The fifth season of Pretty Little Liars premiered last night, and the show has now been renewed for two additional seasons. Tom Ascheim, president, ABC Family, and Kate Juergens, Executive Vice President, Original Programming and Development and Chief Creative Officer, ABC Family, announced Tuesday that the network has picked up an unprecedented two seasons of its longest-running original hit series, from Warner Horizon Television. Season six is set to air mid-2015, and season seven is set to air mid-2016.
Pretty Little Liars is ABC Family's #1 series in the network's history in Total Viewers (3.8 million) and across all target demos: Adults 18-34 (1.5 million/2.2 rating), Women 18-34 (1.3 million/3.7 rating), Adults 18-49 (2.0 million/1.6 rating), Women 18-49 (1.7 million/2.7 rating), Viewers 12-34 (2.6 million/2.8 rating) and Females 12-34 (2.3 million/4.9 rating). In fact, PLL has been TV's #1 cable telecast in the hour for 95-consecutive original telecasts in Females 12-34 - every telecast since its June 2010 series launch - for 47 in Adults 18-34, for 54 in Women 18-34, for 50 in Women 18-49 and for 58 in Viewers 12-34.
Pretty Little Liars holds the record as the most-tweeted scripted-series telecast of all time, and across all genres, it holds 7 of the Top 15 most-tweeted series telecasts ever. The show also generated the highest average number of tweets per episode (675,000) of any TV series during the 2013/14 broadcast season. Based on total followers, Pretty Little Liars recently became the #1 scripted television series on Instagram, according to ListenFirst Media.
Pretty Little Liars has taken its place in the zeitgeist and reigns supreme in pop culture," said Ascheim. "I am glad to bring another two seasons to our audience because 'A' has a lot in store for our Liars."
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