Friday, December 4, 2009

VENICE The Series: Episode #1

Okay Venetians!  Here it is!  Watch the clip below, and tell us what you think.  Did you like it?  Will you pay for more episodes?  Let us know in the comments below!


  1. Great first episode! Those 6 minutes flew by. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll keep my comments general. I am looking forward to learning more about Gina, Ani, and Owen.

    Production quality is great. I wish it was longer but I can definitely see this model being the future of Soaps.

  2. I loved it, the show was well written and it looked good visually. It also makes me wonder if ATWT would of benefited from bringing the Otalia pairing to Oakdale (even though they turned the idea down) everyone had wonderful chemistry and the music was spot on.

  3. I really enjoyed it. I loved the picture quality, the writing, and the acting. I'm not sure if any non-Otalia fans will pay for it, but I hope I'm wrong.

  4. I LOVED the premier episode.. the writing, the screen shots and the chemestry between CC and JL is undeniable.. Keep you wanting more.. so I;m ready for my subcription.. this is quality acting, writing and directing.. cant wait for next week episode

  5. It blew me away. I'm totally smitten with this show! I love every second of it! The acting, writing, music,'s all great! Crystal and Jessica still have that amazing chemistry. WOW! It's a must-see for Otalia fans but still enjoyable for everyone else. It was definitely worth the wait. I can't wait for more!

  6. Damon,

    I agree. Production values are great. Much better than GL's.

    I think 6 minutes might be too short of time to lure in new viewers. A 15 minute premiere episode would have been better for character development.

    I am glad that Gering G. was chosen to play C.C.'s brother. He looks more like her than either Jeff Branson or Daniel Cosgrove.

  7. Wow! I loved it and I can't wait to meet the rest of the characters.

  8. Love it! Just wish I could see the site and sign up for my subscription. Thank god for youtube!!!!

  9. It was great and went by quick. I am definetly getting subscription!

  10. Amazing first episode. Everything about it was great. They will def get my $9.99, no question.

  11. Amazing! Even better than I expected. Production quality was incredible. The story looks great, and of course CC & JL rocked it.

    I would hand over a whole paycheck for the season, so $9.99 is a no-brainer. I hope others feel the same. I believe this is the future.

  12. I haven't even watched the first episode yet and I'm ready to fork over the cash. I want to support this new format. Everything I've read and heard about this show and the people involved in it has been good.

  13. I don't know if words are even invented to describe this first episode??? I knew it was going to be amazing....but BRILLIANT is what it was!!! Crystal DELIVERED to her fans what they've been wanting! The lighting, the directing, the acting, the music, everything is wonderful! I will GLADLY pay $10 and would even pay more! This is WORTH paying for when there's so much more out there we already pay for and it's not worth it! Thank you Crystal, Kimmy, and Hope for not disappointing!

  14. I thought it was beautifully shot and wonderfully acted. The chemistry between CC and JL is undeniable and the work that Team Venice has put into the show is well deserving of a $9.99 payment. The actors and crew gave their time and talent initially for free, simply because of CC's labour of love. I have been trying to get everyone I know to watch. From episode 1, I am sure they will be hooked!

  15. Speechless yet again... The first episode is more amazing than I ever dreamed could be. I just subscibed: the behind the scenes material is awesome, JL is hilarious!
    The most accurate word right now? Wow..

  16. I loved and adored VENICE. Actors, writing, the look of it.. all so beautiful.. just the BEST of the BEST. So impressed with VENICE.

    But they need a new webmaster. The site was down from 6pm to 12:30am on Premiere night.

    somebody told me to go to Youtube to see it, but I wonder how many thousands of people missed out due to the site being down.

  17. Love it, love it, love it!!! The girls SO delivered on their promise. It was art....the shots, the dialogue, the acting, the sound, the music, the directing/editing all came together beautifully. Have already signed up for my subscription and have already viewed the brilliant behind the scenes footage....Crystal's line about having to wash Ani off her is hilarious. I think we fans are EXTREMELY lucky to have such talented people producing this outstanding show. All involved should take a bow.

    And of course, for all of us Otalia fans, we can finally let go of all our pent up sexual frustrations....our girls kissed and made out in a bed....yippeee!

    It maybe nearly 7am here in Ireland (have been up since 3.30)but I'm a blissfully happy, if somewhat exhausted, bunny. :-)

    So looking forward to the rest of the season.

  18. That was a beautiful first episode. Totally looking forward to what develops over the next 11 episodes. Also, looking to see what the other characters bring. Can't wait and yes I will subscribe!

  19. The first episode was amazing! The chemistry between Crystal and Jessica just sizzled on screen. My friends and I are all subscribing. Crystal, Kym, Hope and the rest of the cast and crew did a fabulous job. I can see this going for a long time. Thank you for sharing your talent with us and giving us this wonderful gift.

  20. That was the best 90 seconds opening evah!!!! I was always subscribing so it was a no brainer for me. The BPD board members start a blog about peeps wanting to buy gift subs for peeps who couldn't afford to do it. So hopefully we get a season 2

  21. I love the passion with which these girls brought their idea to the web. I love the quality of the production and the storyline although I think the pilot should have been a little longer. I believe in the idea of soaps on the Internet so converted 6.60 Euro is soo worth to support this and especially Venice the series. And girls, don't believe the guys who are telling you that people watch max. 6 min on the net!

  22. This is definitely a new beginning for the way soaps are shown. I get many soap actors still love and enjoy the "stage/theater" like feel of "classic" soaps but this is an era for change and development and Venice is a step in that direction.

    Unlike primetime shows where some of the more climactic scenes are dramatize by big explosions filled with guts and gore, soaps have the tendency to make each word count. The writing definitely stands out in Venice and although the length of time given, about 6 minutes for an episode, you can't help but be ecstatic during those 6 minutes and cannot wait for the next episode to come.

    Time will also tell perhaps new ways of funding projects like this to cater to more people and still stay clear of money-hungry network execs trying to grab the reigns.

    As for the acting, make no mistake Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia have incredible chemistry together that only a few "listed" actors can dream of getting. They work off each other so well you have a hard time seeing them with anybody else.

    Venice is absolutely superb from the choice of music, to the editing, and the general direction of the show, not to mention all that was said above. It's a "can't wait for the next one" sentiment and just as the internet slang goes..."For The Win" (FTW!!!!)

  23. Ummm - yeah. No spoilers here.

    On board with subscription - heck yes.

    Production value reminded me, even in episode one which I understand was the first stuff they shot, of some of the best indie films I have ever seen.

    And without a hint of the censorship that ruined, for many, the Otalia/GL storyline. Complete control of the content gives them flexibility to tell it like it is and without the S&P.

    I hope for the OLTL Kish fans they get half of what Venice showed but don't mistake my excitement for the 'affection' as the only thing that matters. The characters featured are firmly established in the air time given and the connections/backstory between those characters in interesting enough I want to know more.

    BRAVO to the entire Cast, Crew, and Creatives of Venice. Can't wait til next Friday

  24. Absolutely loved it! The chemistry between CC and JL is palpable! So worth waiting for! Everything that was promised was delivered and some! More than happy to pay my subscription. The writing, acting and production quality are all amazing!

  25. Absolutely loved it! The chemistry between CC and JL is palpable! So worth waiting for! Everything that was promised was delivered and some! More than happy to pay my subscription. The writing, acting and production quality are all amazing!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Totally worth the wait. I would pay for subscription even if it was 10 bucks per episode. The production quality was amazing and the chemistry between Crystal and Jessica is truly amazing. I do wish that the episode was a little longer, but 6 minutes with Crystal is equal to 2 hours of great viewing. I do hope this series lasts a long time. Bravo to the entire cast and crew and to the incredibly talented Ms. Chappell for bringing all of these wonderfully talented people together to tell this great story.

  28. Now I know why they need so much $$$ look at those credits!

    It seems to be exactly what I thought, something for the Otalia faithful who will always sing the praises of CC and JL. Heck, it was being sung from the hills before it even aired, so I'd be more shocked if someone came and criticized it at all. But I'm glad to read it whats the faithful was looking for.

    For someone who wouldn't consider herself an Otalia drinker the opening was lost somewhat on me. And while I'd be curious to see another episode there's not enough peeked to spend the money.

    I'm still curious to see the plan on how to keep people from ripping the episodes and everything.

    Now the site doesn't load all the time for me (another flag for me) but does it say that another episode is next friday? Or do only the subscribers get to know when the next one is.

  29. that was BRILLIANT !!!! great acting,amazing chemistry between Crystal and Jessica, great dialogue,great choice of music,the story is very promising, everything about it just beautiful. Beyond my expectation. Congratulations to Team Venice !

  30. The first episode of Venice was everything I could have wished for and more. The script moved the story forward without a wasted beat and the angst is palpable already. The direction was restrained and sensitive. CC and JL were exceptionally believeable as lovers. The look of the show is truly beautiful. If I can ever get on the site, I'll be subscribing and will buy the DVD as well. Congrats, everyone!

  31. Just an amazing first episode. Love all of it.

    Thank you SO MUCH Crystal, Kimmy & Hope. Acting, directing, cinematography all came together for an amazing first ep. Can't wait for more...but alas wait I must. :)

  32. I was almost shocked when the clip went to credits...guess I was ABSORBED. Seeing Jessica Leccia again was unbelievable. It totally flashed me back to the early days of discovering GL/Otalia - yep, utterly smitten all over again. I hate to admit it, but I've completely and totally missed these two...
    The sub seems great with the extras thrown in, just seriously hope server issues don't plague them into next week.

    I too am not sure non-Otalia fans will bite...but then again, at this moment, I'm so high I completely lack any credible judgement.

  33. So happy to say I watched it over several times. Never enough of CC & JL and definitely not enough time with a web series. I think the fans brought this series to life and should continue to be a part of the success of it with our subscriptions. I would like to see Venice break records for web series. It certainly has the talent to do it.

  34. Team Venice Crew(in front and behind the camera)did a beautiful first episode.

    They dreams, hard work and tears of love was shown thoughtout this production.

    Wish all of you Great Success!!!!

  35. definitely will subscribe..actually already have. remember folks it is a web soap, not a TV soap, episodes won't be as long. enjoyed it, looking forward to the next epi. loved that I already invested in the fact that Gina is a biotch..kickin' Ani outta bed...waiting to see what happens next...good job. Loved it.

  36. I really liked how u understood Ani n Gina's background in under 3 minutes of screentime. Who hasn't been in Ani's shoes at some point in a relationship. duh already watched the behind the scenes 6x Jessica is a trip

  37. Thank you Kimmy, Crystal, Jessica & Hope! What an amazing first episode. It was everything I'd hoped for and more.

    Oh the pretty, THE PRETTY! I haven't screamed in joy so much as I did watching this.

    I'm just stunned speechless. Considering the budget, the show looks & sounds AMAZING! I mean, seriously. WOW. But I guess it's not exactly hard to make Crystal and Jessica look stunning :D point and shoot, really ;)

    Seriously though the Venice team did an amazing job in creating this. Camera work, lighting, sound, writing, music and let's not forget the acting. Everything worked for me. Well done! Definitely worth subscribing to (thank you for making it available worldwide!!!!!!!)

    The writing was fantastic and the chemistry between Jessica and Crystal ... well, you know, it just cannot be denied.

    I can't wait to see how the story will continue, to find out what is holding back Gina in regards to Ani and to see if they'll get together eventually. I'm sure the journey will be full of drama, laughter & joy. Can't wait to see some new characters too.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  38. Just bought a sub. Suspect I'll be buying them for other people too.

    It's beautiful, and both lovely closure for what we didn't get for Otalia, and a lovely beginning for what looks like being good story.

  39. All I have to say is fan-frickin-tastic!!! This was an amazing first episode. Crystal, Hope, and Kim have put together their vision and it is definetly something great. I know without a doubt in my mind that Venice is going to be huge. I loved seeing Crystal and Jessica together again, they are bringing the chemistry they showed with Otalia, except they can actually display their affection in a physical way. Can't wait for the next episode, already signed up for my subscription. Congratulations team venice, your amazing!

  40. Words cannot describe... I think this show will appeal to more than the Otalia fans. It is beautifully done, and portrays real life and real people. Love, love, love it! Already a subscriber.

  41. Of course i loved it ! & of course i'll be more than glad to help !!! thank you so much

  42. I loved the first episode, just wonderful. I gladly pay to see the rest of the series.
    I loved CC & JL (wordeful chemistry), the writing, production quality and the music (I'm a new kat parson fan). I can't wait to see more.

  43. BEAUTIFUL first episode! CC and JL were amazing ! It is so worth waiting for!!!Can't wait for the next one to come !!

  44. Great job Team Venice! Jessica and Crystal were terrific. I was especially impressed by Jessie's delicate portrayal of Ani. I so wanted to kiss those pouty lips and run my fingers through her curls. Well done JL! You bet I'll pay the subscription fee to watch. I think the episode was way too short though but I loved it!

  45. I was wondering how i would feel being that all the actors are so soap identified but I totally forgot otalia in the first episode of Venice. Somehow JEss and Crystal gave us totally new characters and Galen was no Louis LF or Rafe :) Great acting.. loved teh writing.. I signed up

  46. Fan-freaking-tastic. Already subscribed to the full first season. This is going to be great storytelling with amazing acting and it LOOKS good, too! Venice is already, in my estimation, leaps and bounds beyond Guiding Light. No disrespect intended towards the grand ol' lady that GL was, of course. :)

  47. What a great start! Can't wait to see more. I can't wait to see the relationship between Ani and Gina and all it's complexity. The quality is amazing. I have already paid my subscription fee and am so excited to be on board. Way to go team Venice!

  48. Venice totally lived-up to and I think surpassed all the hype surrounding it. Terrific first episode and wonderful set-up of the Ani/Gina characters. Subscribed, and am intrigued as to how this story will carry out through the remainder of the season and beyond. Congrats to CC and team!

  49. I absolutely loved the first episode. All of it! I already paid my $ 9.99, it's well worth for what we'll get.
    High quality in everything! Acting, writing, directing, music... all fantastic.
    Thank you Crystal, Kimmy, Hope, Leslie and the whole awesome cast and crew for bringing us Venice.
    I hope, there are a lot of seasons for us to watch.

  50. Absolutely well worth the wait. Crystal and Jessica have given us something special to look forward to once again.

    Writing, directing,camera-work, music are all top-notch.

  51. I posted my thoughts in more detail in another post, but absolutely beautiful. I want to go back to Venice Beach now. Maybe the town tourism board can be a sponsor!

  52. I am in love, my mouth dropped to the floor watching Jess and Crystal kiss so passionately these girls have it and why in the world would Gina pass up love with such an amazing girl like Ani. Oh well time will tell and thats why I am hooked already paid for my subscription. I know many others will do the same today given the show's late east coast feed. FYI please air the next show earlier for us east coast fans. Thanks Crystal and company!!!

  53. Yes, I enjoyed it very much and yes, I have already subscribed. I have had cable which costs about 100 a month and cannot find a damn thing to watch sometimes. Now I know what I am gonna is what I want.

  54. Freakin awesome..they did the damn it, love it, love it..I can't wait for more.

  55. Absolutely titalating! Better than anticipated.


  57. I couldn't pay fast enough! My heart is still skipping beats! thanks to CC & JL, cast & crew. Just simply magnificent all the way! This epi. was over the top and I watched it over & over. Just wish it was longer! I am soooo looking forward to the rest of the series! Keep it going VENICE!

  58. Absolutely Breathtaking and amazing! The brilliant writing showed in every second. The incredible chemistry between Crystal and Jessica has once again blown me away.
    The music was on point and worked beautifully. I am excited to find out more about the relationship between Ani and Gina, also Gina and Owen seem to be very close siblings. I want to see the rest of the characters. I have my subscription and Im buckled in for the ride! GO TEAM VENICE!!!

  59. Excellent! I just watched it again with a real critical eye, and I have to say the only quibble I can find is that in the closing credits they spell Ani's name "Martin" but on the Web site it's "Martino"! If that's my most serious quibble, I think they've clearly succeeded. I'm seriously impressed.

    The production values of this series is the best I've seen (and heard), the writing is excellent, and the acting is just as top drawer as we'd expect it to be. I have to say, I'm particularly impressed with how it's being written and the pacing. We learned a whole heck of a lot about Gina and Ani's relationship in a scant 6 minutes, and Owen's reaction to seeing them together at the end told us even more. Yet there's plenty of specifics we undoubtedly will be learning in the future. And I can't wait for the introduction of the rest of the characters, particularly Gina and Owen's father.

    Web site problems were probably to be expected, but it's got to be their number 1 priority now that the show has premiered. The Web site is pretty, it's now working (for the time being), but navigating it is deadly slow. And am I nuts, or does Galen Gering's bio not even mention DOOL? Seems odd.

  60. There is some major instinctual energy flowing through ALL of the players in Venice who have totally got the “spirit” of representation. Episode 1 was a beautiful artsy blending of dialogue, music, choreography, and “A” level talent capable of delivering breathtaking raw emotional expressions. I mean, with Crystal and Jessica it just seems that their own emotions reside very close to the surface because their gift is to summon them at will. Every precious second was used to convey something to delight the intellectual or aesthetic palate of anyone that has a sense of passion. It will be a privilege to help fund this project…I am all in.

  61. Loved it. Can't wait for the next epi. CC and GL rocked!

  62. And how great for daytime to have such creative types as the Gotham, Venice, and IB teams working in and around the genre. If only this fresh, authentic, humorous, sexy, creativity on all three projects was allowed to be placed into a daytime show on network.

    It's no wonder viewers have moved to cable and the web for their media fix.

  63. Very well done!! Great, realistic dialog and unlike most soaps, the actors did not have on full makeup in bed at 7AM. They are keeping it real. Can't wait to meet all the characters and watch them interact. Only one complaint (a positive one) it was not long enough--More...more...more...

    And YES, I am subscribing. This is THE future of scripted drama with out all the censorship.

  64. Loved every second of it and cannot wait for more. I have already subscribed and look forward to the episodes to come. I think it was very well done. The production looked professional and the story line was very believable.

  65. I'm even more impressed by Venice than I already thought I would be... And CherGL, thank you for bringing up the no make up thing. Was one of the things I immediately noticed and I was so pleased by it. Real and honest. Simply beautiful :)

  66. Thought it was amazing. I have to be honest.I was not expecting it to look so good, but it looks even better than the tv picture I get. But the most important part, the story and acting, were even better. LOVE Venice, and Mrs. Leccia!

  67. I loved it, it was everything & more I thought it would be! With Crystal behind it how could it not rock your socks off! The first ep was beautifully written, left me speechless. I don't remember how many times I have watched it, gives me goosebumps everytime Ani & Gina kiss! I can't wait for the rest of the season I already signed up, couldn't wait! Crystal Kimmy & Hope you are magnificent! Standing Ovation!

  68. The first episode was simply FABULOUS!!! SO powerful, beautiful, SEXY, well-made, engaging... just stunning beyond my very high expectations. Crystal is the goddess of sensuality in my book, and she captivates the screen. The chemistry between these two is so palpable!

    People talk about this being the future of soaps because it's on the web... while I hope that's true (because censorship sucks, FuCBS) what I love is the REALness of these characters, their believable emotions and sensuality. Hopefully Venice is a model for soaps to become less about sensational storylines (murders, being buried alive, multiple personalities, etc etc)and more about true life; well-written with sane, sensual, intelligent, engaging characters. Just 6 minutes long and I was totally captivated, and totally moved. Subscribed immediately and can't wait for more.

    My ONLY complaint is that it was so short. Hoping that Season 2 can be 15 mins. (or more!) per episode. LOVED the behind-the-scenes included with subscription. Can't get enough of that stuff, and wish they could finance following seasons by adding even more 'extras'.

    BRAVO Crystal, Kim, and Hope!!

    More Venice coverage please, We Love Soap folks!

  69. OMG Just got to watch it and it is so worth the ten bucks. I have watched over so many times I should probably pay double. Great job cc and friends. Very realistic.

  70. I loved it! I can't wait to see where this thing goes between Ani and Gina.

    It may have been too short, but I have a feeling I'll always want more. :)

  71. Thank you so much for covering Venice's development. It is wonderful to see a web series or soap for that matter that is so high quality in writing, cinematography, acting, directing, and on what really is a shoe string budget. The story is honest and well told, I can't wait for the upcoming episodes and seasons. Keep an eye on Venice! It's a winner!

  72. Amazing and I will pay, pay, pay!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. I thought it was great. Loved the acting and music. I wished it was a little longer. Like maybe 15mins. Can't wait to see more. Thanks Crystal, Kim and Hope. Great job.

  75. i thought it was lovely. really well done. the writing got us up to speed quickly. the acting filled in any gaps. the music evoked the deep longing. the look said soap fans deserve better than we've been getting. i'm really grateful for it.

  76. I love watching you guys, so of course I will pay...but I do wish the episodes were at least 10 minutes. It's frustrating to watch things unfold in only 6 minutes. Great ringtone Crystal!

  77. I found it to be good not great. Is there a reason episodes have to be so short? Six minutes doesn't feel like nearly enough for a pilot episode, especially if their aim is to hook non-Otalia fans into paying a fee to watch in the future.

    And what the heck is up with the website not working? That's unacceptable. Whoever was in charge of that should fire herself. I mean, really.

    I'll pay and I'll watch but I'm the low-hanging fruit (no pun intended) of potential viewership. They have to find a way to expand the audience beyond those already fawning for their every move.

  78. Already subscribed. Crystal is amazing. I am so happy that her dream came true. Can't wait to see the epi she directed, her talent is incredible!

  79. loved first episode! feel that Open Book Productions completely delivered. Yep, I subscribed. Completely worth! GO CRYSTAL!

  80. Loved it and wished it were longer. I could have watched all night. Production values were top notch. Music was spot on. The acting -- excellent as we knew it would be

    This old married lady has already subscribed to the 1st season.

  81. j'ai adoré ! et bien sûr que je souscris pour la suite;
    meilleurs voeux à Crystal Chappelle et à son équipe

  82. It was worth it for the first 30 seconds! Crystal and Jessica continue to have chemistry and while the shortness is a drag, I'm very very happy with the first episode!

  83. WOW! Loved it. Paid for my sub today and loved the behind the scenes clips. Kudos to Crystal, Kim, Hope, Jessica, and the whole Venice Team!

  84. i would love to pay for it! but im 16 and jobless!!!

  85. Totally paying for it and buying Season 1 on DVD

  86. awesome! just stubble across this becuse i loved the l word but i really like this too!
