Monday, November 30, 2009

Soaps on the Street: Will You Watch GH For James Franco?

In our latest "Soaps on the Street" segment we asked the people of New York City if they knew James Franco had joined the cast of GENERAL HOSPITAL and if it would make them watch. To view previous "Soaps on the Street" segments, you can go to


  1. You all are intent on showing us what a small audience niche we soap viewers are, eh?

  2. New yorkers are weird. Hahaha just kidding (kinda)

  3. Thing is, I don't think James Franco is an A-list star. Sure, he's known to a moderately well degree but nobody ever says, "Hey, the new James Franco movie is out!" It's usually more like, "Oh, James Franco is in that. He was the guy in Spider-Man. No, not the Green Goblin, the young one, the son. Do you remember Freaks and Geeks...?" Folks might recognize him if they see him, or if they're given prompts -- but to the world at large, I think he's just a Hollywood face. (I'm not saying he's not a good actor. I think he's pretty terrific in that department.)

    That man-on-the-street had it right when he mentioned Tom Hanks and Will Smith. Those are A-listers. Tom Cruise is an A-lister. Which is why I don't believe that in the long run, Franco's gig on GH will amount to more than a slight ratings blip, as lookie-loos check out the show on a random day or two.

  4. I love it when you guys do these segments. So it doesn't seem like James franco was going to have any impact on GH and the ratings seem to indicate the same. Interesting to note. Truthfully I know it didnt' enhance my want to watch the show. I knew he was going to be on and I even know who he is lol but yeah i think you can have as many a-listers or whatever on the show as you want but the key has to be a story. something else has to be there to draw you in. I mean Liz Taylor coming into Luke and Laura's story as Helena cassidine worked and it fit for the story. James has come in as some mysterious someone taht i don't think viewers care about so...we'll see

  5. That's me who said Tom Hanks & Will Smith, I had and stil don't know who the hell James Framco is? I just randomly saw a preview for General Hosiptal on TV and remembered the name of this site and just laughed my ass off when I seen myself. And whoever said New Yorkers are wierd FUCK NY I'm from Boston, LOL!!

  6. bjh, I'm so glad you logged on and found us and saw the video! I think we've only heard from one person in all our previous segments after the fact.

  7. Hey BJH! It was so much fun talking to you that day! Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. I hope we can interview you for another street segment again someday.

    As Jamilla pointed out, Franco's appearance on GH doesn't seem to be doing much for the ratings. I guess us New Yorkers aren't so "weird" after all! ; )
