Friday, February 15, 2008

As The World Turns...Double Standard

AS THE WORLD TURNS aired a special episode on Valentine's Day. The theme was "what if.." with segments based on movies. Lily and Holden, Noah and Luke, Tom and Margo, Will and Gwen and Carly and Jack all had segments during the show. Paul, Emily and Meg appeared during Tom and Margo's segment while Katie and Brad appeared in Carly and Jack's. Over the course of the episode each couple imagined their lives if something had been different. Each segment ended with the couple in a passionate kiss. Each segment but one, Noah and Luke's.

This should come as no suprise to AS THE WORLD TURNS fans, right? Noah and Luke have not been allowed to kiss in five months. The show took advantage of a huge amount of mainstream press following an initial kiss in August followed by another kiss soon after. But then something happened. Their airtime dried up and even in the most obvious situations where any other couple would have kissed, there was no kiss. Just before Christmas, a pan to the mistletoe instead of the sweet romantic kiss that was expected, infuriated many fans. The "Kiss Campaign" was launched soon after with Hershey's Kisses sent to Barbara Bloom at CBS.

Since that time, Noah and Luke have been in numerous situations where a kiss was expected or called for but never happened. But none were so blatant as the Valentine's Day episode. They stood on a boat looking at the Statue of Liberty talking about equality and yet they were not treated equally at all. At least nine other couples were allowed to kiss in that episode but Luke and Noah managed a hug and to hold hands. After a five month drought and watching an hour full of kisses by everyone else, no one could deny what has been obvious to many for a while now - Noah and Luke are not being treated like any other couple as CBS and Proctor & Gamble have claimed.

Who is censoring this storyline? Is it CBS? Is it P&G? P&G seems to be the culprit on the surface. Brian Cahill's interview with AfterElton earlier this week did nothing to convince fans Noah and Luke would be treated like the other couples. He spoke for four pages and said absolutely nothing of value.

The worst part is, despite being groundbreaking in many ways by telling the story at all, AS THE WORLD TURNS sent a terrible message on Valentine's Day. It is okay for couples and non-couples to kiss as long as they are heterosexual but there is something wrong with the love shared by these two young men, who just happen to be one of the only couples on the show in a loving and committed relationship.

I personally felt insulted by the entire thing. AS THE WORLD TURNS, P&G, CBS, whoever is responsible for this censorship, please STOP it now. You are in danger of tarnishing something that could help save your show and invigorate daytime drama. Who is pressuring you to do this? Is it self-censorship? Are you really committed to this story or not? What audience are you afraid of offending? And do you realize that by trying to find some middle ground, you doing a disservice to everyone? These questions are not going to go away.

It is time fans spoke up for what is right. Tell CBS and P&G to stop underestimating their audience and to start respecting it more. Not just with the Noah and Luke story but with all stories. AS THE WORLD TURNS fans deserve better.


  1. This is an absolutely brilliant article. Your points are dead-on accurate, especially when read with the understanding that this is a problem that has been building over time.

    Like you, I don't know where exactly the problem lies. I just know it is unfair, and insulting. Personally, I would sue if I could.

    Steven, Tennessee

    I find it the height of hypocrisy when CBS' Big Brother show includes a pair of 'gay' guys who are forced to sleep together and play a ridiculous game called "Top or Bottom" (I believe). Why can they show this kind of silly crap during prime time, but not the natural displays of affection a romantic couple would share during daytime television?

    I feel the answer is because during primetime the gays are a joke. However, during daytime the gays, Luke and Noah, represent something very real, even though they are fictional. That realness obviously threatens someone.

    It's a shame. So much good could be done for equality, acceptance, and fairness, but the opportunity is being squandered. What an incredible waste of talent! Not to mention a waste of an opportunity to educate the public and do good for our society at a time when it is sorely needed. And then, of course, there is the waste of a huge revenue generating source. The whole thing is just a waste.

    Here’s hoping someone will wake up, take notice, and make changes.

  2. It does seem this cold feet came on from somewhere on high....either P&G or, as I suspect, some of the advertisers.

    The shame of it is, ATWT skews old in demographics and this was a popular couple delivering younger demos and fans. Most shows would KILL for this, and they are tossing it all away.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I posted this somewhere else but, sadly, it is what I have come to believe.

    Hidden or underplayed sexuality and passion...isn't that the definition of being in the closet? The once-brave, remarkable ATWT, featuring two young gay men, is now perpetuating the closet. Our young, healthy men don't kiss...and they barely touch. This perpetuates the worst stereotypes of some viewers ("if they'd just deny their unnatural urges, I could tolerate them").

    I celebrate ATWT for starting this story, but I now conclude it is time for Nuke to leave Oakdale. More harm is being done with this sweep-it-under-the-rug portrayal than not having it all...because the story we are seeing is not honest. Let us say farewell to Nuke now, while we still care."


  5. I suggest people just tune the show out. Stop watching "As the World Turns."

    You know it's cynical of me to say -- but I'm not surprised the CBS soap has handled the Luke-and-Noah coupling in this cowardice and predictable manner.

    They're catering to what they believe heterosexuals will, and will not, tolerate. They're letting fear rule them. But I also think they're discriminatory, anyway. And that they're using this story to elicit a homosexual following…and refraining from rightly executing to [Luke and Noah's] fullest potential.

    Put together a hot, hetero couple -- and we'll see them fornicate (according to daytime's "standards," of course). Try doing the same for a homosexual pairing -- and watch that camera slyly veer off in another direction (so that it doesn't get too…"revealing").


    Yep, this does not surprise me. It does not blow me away that people are lodging rightful complaints at "As the World Turns," feeling perplexed, even betrayed.

    Best thing to do is turn on this show very fast. And tune it out!

  6. I don't care about Luke and his friend, I'm just upset that so many of the good players are being let go. Lily, Gwen, and Will. What can we do to keep these people on? I'll do anything. If they leave I will stop watching the show that I've watched every since there has been "As The World Turns". Tell me something to do or where else can I write. this is for lots of people that I'm writing for.
