Thursday, August 7, 2014

Indie Series of the Week Poll Results (July 27-August 2, 2014)

Proper Manors was voted favorite web series of the week.
The results are in from "Indie Series of the Week" poll for web series that aired one or more new episodes from July 27-August 2, 2014.

Proper Manors was voted favorite web series of the week. A new episode of Family Problems was second, followed by the latest from People you Know, Misdirected and Youthful Daze.

Check out the complete results below including the Favorite Actor, Actress and Couple/Duo of the Week:

1Proper Manors-10
2Family Problems317
3People you Know-4
5Youthful Daze-0
6It Could Be Worse56
7The Boys Who Brunch-0
9The Horizon90
10Til Lease Do Us Part60
11Re-Casting Kyle130
12Losing It-0

See the rest of the poll results below:

Baltimore Russell (Monty St. James in People you Know), was voted Favorite Actor for the week. 

1Baltimore Russell, People you Know-4
2Hunter Gomez, Proper Manors-4
3John T. Woods, Misdirected37
4L.D. Weller, Proper Manors-0
5Wesley Taylor, It Could Be Worse56

Laura Mora, (Freddie from Misdirectedwas voted Favorite Actress for the second week in a row.

1Lauren Mora, Misdirected19
2Melinda Chilton, Proper Manors-2
3Jaime Elise Summers, People you Know-4
4Natasha Hatalsky, Family Problems-3
5Sarah Hester, Youthful Daze-0

The Favorite Couple/Duo for the week was Freddie & Josh from Misdirected.

1Freddie & Josh, Misdirected210
2Joey & Jane, Proper Manors-1
3Jacob & Ben, It Could Be Worse57
4Brady & Christian, People you Know-0
5Victoria & Frederick, Proper Manors-0

Links to last week's indie series below:
- The Boys Who Brunch Episode 6 "Let Yourself In"
- Family Problems Episode 27 "Cheers"
- Freefall Season 2 Episode 10
- The Horizon Episode 28
- It Could Be Worse Season 2 Episode 3 "Too Much Candy"
- Losing It Episode 1 "This is not a walk of shame" (series premiere)
- Misdirected Season 2 Episode 10 "Problem"
- People you Know Episode 4 "Mixed Signals"
- Proper Manors Season 2 Episode 8 "Grief Returns Home Part II"
- Re-Casting Kyle Episode 8 "Boyfriend / Girlfriend"
- Til Lease Do Us Part Episode 6
- Youthful Daze Season 2 Episode 16 "The First Time"

1 comment:

  1. From the entire cast and crew of Proper Manors, thank you for your support and more importantly, you belief in all independent programming. We strive to improve with every episode and we are so grateful for every fan and bit of recognition for our cast and crew whose passion drives the show to becoming better every episode.
