DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES first aired in 2004, and fast established itself as a TV sensation. The show told the story of five different women living on Wisteria Lane, a fictional street in middle-America. Mary Alice Young (a character on the show) commits suicide in the first episode and continues to narrate the show from beyond the grave, giving it its unique spin compared to other TV shows.
The series spans thirteen years, from 2004-2017, and follows the women as they juggle domestic life with affairs and the mysteries of life as a wealthy housewife. All of the episodes can be watched online on popular legal TV series streaming services. The main characters are: Susan (Teri Hatcher), Lynette (Felicity Huffman), Bree (Marcia Cross), Gabrielle (Eva Longoria) and Renee (Vanessa Williams), all glamorous women facing the challenges of being rich, bored and watched by a dead neighbour.
The show was a massive success spanning eight seasons and attracting millions of viewers from all over the world. The final episode of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES left a big gap in the TV listings, and there hasn’t been a show to replace it since – a situation made worse by the drudge of January re-runs. With nearly ten years after the first episode hit our TV screens, it begs the question: what are the stars of the show up to now?
Teri Hatcher, who played Susan Mayer, and appeared in every episode, has been seen on the red carpet once again, at the premier of Planes. She voiced the part of Dottie in the Pixar animated film, and looked glamorous as she stepped out to promote the film.
Eva Longoria, who played the sensual Gabrielle Solis, hasn’t stepped out of the limelight at all, and has made a film with Sarah Jessica Parker. The film is called Married and Cheating, so maybe Eva was reluctant to say goodbye to Gabrielle, who also enjoyed a little extra-marital activity.
Marcia Cross, whose character was the uptight Bree Van de Kamp, is enjoying a more down to earth look. She is due to appear in a pilot for a show about a nutritionist with a skinny daughter and an over-weight son, entitled Fatrick.
Felicity Huffman, who played super-mum Lynette Scavo, won an Emmy for her role in the show. She and her husband, William H Macy, have since received stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Vanessa Williams has had a successful career both before and after DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES having had roles in shows such as UGLY BETTY (pre-DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES) and she appears in ABC’s 666 Park Avenue.
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES has been a staple of many people’s lives and with 10 years since its first debut fast approaching what better time to re-watch the whole eight series of the show?
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