Bryan Dattilo (DAYS OF OUR LIVES): I like the Pats this year, I think the Giants ruined their perfect streak a few years ago& and the Patriots have never forgotten that. They have something to prove and I think they're going to do it.
Randy Wayne (THE LYING GAME): Yes, I’m a big fan [of Tim Tebow]. I know that [Tom] Brady’s hot, but I’m going to have to say the Giants 28-23. I think they look unstoppable right now.
Andrew Espinoza Long (GREGORY WAY TV): Patriots 27-17
Jon Lindstrom (most recently AS THE WORLD TUNRS): Giants.
I wasn't always a Giants fan. I'm a West Coaster. My father is from Minneapolis and my grandfather played for one of those leatherhead teams from Minneapolis. So I was always into one of those Upper Midwest teams--the Packers, the Vikings, the Steelers, and the Bears. Those were my teams. But I found myself in a pub on Broadway with my acting teacher, Bob McAndrew, two weekends ago for the Giants playoffs. When they won that game, which sent them into last weekend's game, I had never seen a pub erupt like that in such pandemonium . The deejay turned on "New York, New York" and the place was singing and people were cheering and jumping up and down and I said, 'You know what. I guess I'm a New Yorker now. I'm a Giants fan.'
Derrell Whitt (THE BAY): GIANTS!!! 21-17
The stars are also weighing in on Twitter:
Kristen Alderson (GENERAL HOSPITAL): As an Eagles fan, I shouldn't but Giants!
Ashton Holmes (REVENGE): Go Giants! Hit a homerun!
Nancy Lee Grahn (GENERAL HOSPITAL): Happy Superbowl everyone. I will be wearing my Cheesehead holding my stuffed BEARS pretending to be interested!
Mark Indelicato (most recently UGLY BETTY): SUPERBOWWWWWLLLLLL! GO GIANTS!
Molly Burnett (DAYS OF OUR LIVES): I like the giants, I love Tom Brady.. So I'm just rooting for a good game, and funny commercials... What about you guys?
Darin Brooks (most recently MISS BEHAVE/DAYS OF OUR LIVES): And the countdown begins!! A little over 4 hours to go to watch the Gmen kick some ass!! Who's in??
Dahlia Salem (most recently GENERAL HOSPITAL): GO GIANTS!!! And GO MADONNA!!!
Michael Muhney (THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS): At the risk of offending some New England fans, I must admit that I will be cheering for NY tonight! Let's go GIANTS!! #iheartNYC
Kassie DePaiva (GENERAL HOSPITAL): Go Giants!!!
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