Monday, October 10, 2011

SURVEY: Be Heard! Tell Prospect Park & TOLN How You Prefer to Watch ALL MY CHILDREN, ONE LIFE TO LIVE & GENERAL HOSPITAL

Jeff Kwatinetz of Prospect Park and The Online Network (TOLN) made some major announcements last week, shifting the conventional wisdom on the future of the ABC soaps. It appears probable (unfortunately, nothing is certain in the soap opera world!) that ONE LIFE TO LIVE, ALL MY CHILDREN and (maybe even) GENERAL HOSPITAL will all eventually be available at TOLN. They will probably be accessible in a few different ways, and will probably be presented at no charge to the viewer.

Kwatinetz puts three ways to watch TOLN's soaps “on the table:” streaming, on-demand, and cable. It's good to have options, but each is a far cry from the convenience and familiarity of network television. Has anyone asked the fans how these three options work for them?

Now is the time to voice our opinion on the future of our stories! Unlike when we were blindsided by Brian Frons, and his "Grim Reaper of Soaps” postmortem cancellation notices, this time the future plans for OLTL, AMC and GH are not yet “a done deal.” We may still be able to help shape the future with coordinated, sincere, and reasonable feedback.

As an “honest broker” interested in saving our stories, We Love Soaps is sponsoring this survey of (past, present, and future) soap watchers in the interest of helping “The Online Network” and “The Soap Fan Public” work together. Please take the three minutes or so to complete the three questions below—and invite your friends to do the same. We will make the results public, and share them with the good people at TOLN, after the survey has closed. Thank you!


  1. Okay so I just don't get what the big deal is about the shows moving to an on-line format. Crystal Chappell's "Venice" is only available online and it is FANTASTIC! It's great to be able to watch a show when you want to watch rather than being at the mercy of a network schedule, which includes those damnable pre-emptions to tell you about the neighbor's cat that is stuck in a tree, or how HOT it is outside. I have used the network's online option for most of my shows for several years, now. It will be nice that my viewing habits will finally COUNT!

    People need to relax! Remember, once all the soaps were only available on RADIO. My grandmother managed to cope with the move to television, so I'm sure we can cope with the move to an on-line format.

    I say MORE POWER TO PROSPECT PARK for being so forward thinking.

  2. Well, I think I would be more apt to watch PPAMC if the characters I love were on the show, and if their were good writers at the helm. Like for example, if PP could get Thorsten Kaye and Alicia Minshew to join the show and had good writers writing for them who respected and knew the history of AMC and the history of the characters and listened to what the viewers wanted, then I would most definitey watch PPAMC anyway that I could.

  3. I agree that Prospect Park needs to get the right talent for their shows. I'm frankly having trouble imaging "One Life to Live" without Robin Strasser, and "All My Children" without Susan Lucci. With that said, however, just because the show "airs" on the web instead of on traditional television does not mean that I won't watch.

  4. Oh yes. RS is definitely needed on OLTL. Bottom line, if PP gives viewers want they want, then they will be greatly rewarded with a sizable following who will be more willing to follow the soaps to any medium they end up appearing on.

  5. The shows better have good writing, and focus on the best characters or no one would want to do the demand feature.

  6. I think it's fair to see a significant number of viewers rarely, if ever, watch shows at their regularly scheduled time. We don't live in a world -- anymore -- where we have to schedule our program viewing around the network schedules. Sorry to sound cliche, but we really can watch shows anywhere at at time (for the most part!), so P&P streaming these shows on TOLN is no different from someone streaming GH on their computer or mobile device. Steaming the show in TOLN shouldn't be no different than streaming the show from ABC's website. I realize not everyone may have the set up to stream their shows, use video-on-demand, or even PVR shows, but it's 2011 and PP is definitely embracing the needs of a younger demographic, and NOT doing so by axing seasoned, well-respected actors for young models who often can't act (much like the soaps do when they want to attract a younger demo). I think the viewing offerings of Prospect Park will help bring in that coved 18-49 demo.

  7. I am looking forward to OLTL and AMC on the internet. I'm of an age where I actually followed Guiding Light on radio and survived the television transition. I've been a fan of soap operas since the early 1950's and am very excited about Prospect Park "saving" OLTL and AMC. (There's no chance they'd revive The Edge of Night or The Secret Storm, is there? LOL) The internet transition seems a reasonable move in 2011 and am at a loss to understand why many people are not strongly in favor of the transition. Thank you, Prospect Park.

  8. AMC without the main actors, ie Susan Lucci, walt Willey, Debbie Morgan, Darnell Williams, Alicia Minshew, Rebecca Budig, to name some and OLTL without Robin Strasser, Erika Slezak, Bree Williamson, Kassie De Pavia, Robert Woods would be different shows than they were/are. But I'd love them to continue in some form that is free.

  9. I strongly think the only weak link in their plan is the "on cable a week later" bit. I like finding out what happens on soaps in real time or with minimal delay (I watched on SoapNet at night many days). I don't think having it on a cable channel a WEEK later is feasible. Having it on that night or one day later (max) is the best way to both serve the public (keeping the fan community together, so we all enjoy the shocks and surprises together and can keep the fandom-sustaining "water cooler" aspect of soaps going) and the cable network (less people will watch if they have known for a week what happened. Thus the cable channel is less likely to sustain a contract and more likely to drop the show). No problem to make the new AMC/OLTLs available at midnight or 9am online (on-demand at the same time) and then available at night like on SoapNet on cable. It is the best recipe for the most viewers.

  10. I agree about Robin Strasser. I miss her on OLTL. Tina and Vicki sparring is fun but miss Vicki and Dorian going at it.
    There are unfortunately a lot of people who do not go online so if they air the shows a week later on cable the fans can watch it there too.

  11. I applaude PP in their endevour of saveing my iconic,beloved AMC/OLTL an we all know GH will be added eventually as well. I think its great the people of PP were able to save an keep them alive. I know for the 99.9% they are extremely happy,however my heart and feelings are with the 1% which I'm part of, that lost will lose AMC/OLTL/GH due to many factors the biggest is that percentage is in my case I'm homebound and disabled I'm at the poverty level in which pay tv,cable,internet.sattelite,dish is not affordable I've watched these iconic soaps since the 70's I don't have nor can I afford the options I use a antenna yes sounds 60's I know but its honestly the truth I seriously can't afford anything else as much as I cherish AMC/OLTL/GH I've checked prices if your a non cable subscriber the carrier in my area before taxes is 79.95 per month plus equipment rental (ie)modem is 5.00 per month plus taxes reglatory fees etc. So that's well up to 90.00 pay tv such as direct/dish/sattelite advertise 29.95 yes that's affordable but again equipment taxes etc 70.00 plus. Being in my situation I can't squeeze that in with my mortgage,lights water food etc on 550.00 per month my soaps are as much a part of me as I am my antenna channels are abc,nbc,cbs,pbs,fox,Ion,Wuxp and that's it with Ion being considered a premium channel but antenna tv is all I have. Please ProspectPark help me to not be left behind I've watched for 40plus yrs loseing my iconic soaps feels like I've lost a part of myself. I understand its all stories and fictional but for over 40yrs I've called the cast family and loved ever visit to PineValley/Llanview/PortCharles so please ProspectPark keep in mind the elderly,disabled,handicapped people and find a way we can continue viewing our beloved iconic shows and truley NoFanLeftBehind. Thank You

  12. Let me start off by thanking ProspectPark for saveing AllMyChildren and OneLifeToLive. You have apeased thousands of people from all around. I understand the soaps will be available online and eventually to once again on television. I also would like to say that I hope you keep in mind that in some cases not everyone will have the option to continue viewing these classic shows once they move to the internet or a paid television provider,I've read on many boards,blogs,facebook pages and twitter people are saying this move will make it whereas no soap fan left behind. I have watched AMC,OLTL and General Hospital with my mom I had Co-Op in high school where I'd get out of school at 11:30 an arrive home at 11:55 as opening credits of AMC began. The soaps have been apart of my television viewing for all of my childhood and adult life. I've laughed,cried,cursed at my tv and hurt when someone I liked was shot or beaten or raped etc. I've seen these stories tackle many issues we face in our daily lives alcoholism,drugs,abortion divorce miscarriages etc. Soaps paved the way for many. I'm writeing not only to Thank PP but to ask that you please take into consideration that the statement being made that no soap fan will be left behind that in many cases that is truley not an accurate statement to be made as there may be people such as the elderly,persons on very low incomes or perhaps struggling with health problems etc whom of which may not be able to afford internet or pay tv. I for one fall within this percentage of people as 7 yrs ago I experienced something that changed my life. I was electrocuted and the doctor told me I was lucky to be alive as it was 220 volts of electricity that rendered me disabled I have little/limited usage on the right side of my body. Today my situation is no better with the cost of doctor visits and riseing cost of medications food shelter etc. In my current situation I'm not afforded cable or internet my television viewing is limited as well as there are times when it comes down to how can I afford this or that and realise that for my situation one option is better. I have struggled with the loss of AllMyChildren as I've met several of the cast and it felt like loseing a friend when it ended and for people like myself we were left with so many unanswered questions like did Jr shoot Erika who's the other person david kept alive.I like others won't know these answers till they pick up.,but for some like myself don't have internet and or unable to afford cable or pay television or internet and many eldery people don't know how to use a computer so in that prospective there will be many left behind I'd like to ask that Prospect Park to keep these people plus myself in mind and perhaps find or come up with a plan so that truly no soap fan be left behind consider that we love our soaps and generate a solution so that without a doubt no soap fan really isn't left behind. I really don't wish to miss my stories and hope there is a fesiable way that I and many others can continue with our shows.

  13. I for one am so excited that Prospect Park has seen the love and devotion that we soap fans have for All My Children and One Life to Live. I miss All My Children so much,I know that I cannot wait for January to get here! I plan on watching the soaps on my computer enabled TV (bought just for the soaps) my cell phone,my TV,any media format I have.

  14. I'm trying to understand why the idea that fans can "choose" is still being presented. Prospect Park is the company that invested millions of dollars to save these shows. I, for one, will watch them online and be GRATEFUL they are available at all. Fans went online to save the soaps. Fans can go online to watch them.:)

  15. The main reason I watched AMC is because of the Hubbard Family. I just LOVE them, especially Frankie & Randi! Please Please PLEASE bring them back and I ONLY want to see Cornelius Smith, Jr. and the Lovely Denise Vasi in those roles! NO ONE else will do for this viewer! I want to see "Frandi" continuing the Hubbard Legacy and seeing their pregnancy to Full Fruition! Please listen to the Fans PP! Frankie & Randi and their beautiful baby-to-be is MUST SEE TV!!!

  16. NO WAY can I afford to pay to watch! Many now CANT afford it.

    I dumped my cable as many people now a days have, as millions are jobless or our paychecks were cut and now I now only have the internet.

    Now, my internet may have to go as well like many others who are trying to make ends meet & who have dumped their cable or satellite service and internet to have enough to pay what bills we have. In my area in WA State unemployment's 14% and growing.

    With almost half the people in our nation having to chose Food, Gas,or the luxury of the internet now,it would be a shame for our soaps to be a luxury just for some to be able to watch.

  17. Please contact my favorites Cornelius Smith Jr. (Frankie) and Denise Vasi (Randi). As I watched the finale, I was over the moon as Randi surprised Frankie with the news that she may be pregnant. Frankie, Randi and the birth of their first child is the story I most look forward to seeing.

  18. i wouldnt mind catching them on line fact most of the time thats where i watch them since i work and cant be home in time to watch them on tv.
