Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Part funny and part stupid but this DEGRASSI spoof has over two million views in ten days.


  1. Wow! That was not only homophobic but just bad.

    However, it has 2.2 million views vs. the 7,000 for Gotham.

    What are the odds that Venice reaches 1 million or 500,0000 views?

  2. TestaBlog, the guy that did this video has become an overnight sensation appearing on talk shows and radio shows. He has done spoofs of several shows. I found this one to be equally offensive but also spot on with some of the DEGRASSI impersonations.

    I think the number of hits depends a lot on having some type of hook that can go beyond one core audience. It's too bad though complete silliness or idiotic "comedy" can become such huge sensations whereas people making an honest to goodness drama series have to work harder to get the visibility.

  3. I didn't mind him spoofing Degrassi as much as the constant use of f-ggot. The gay panic was ridiculous.

    Since this show is targeted at younger viewers, how doesn't his homophobic humor further bigotry? This is the second Shane Dawson video with homophobia as a blatant component that I've seen. (Check out his Bromance video featuring a very effeminate gay friend who wants romance and not friendship.)

    As for the number of hits his video receives versus others, that's the "market." I wish that Gotham and Wed-Locked were more successful.

    Martha Byrne, Lawrence Saint-Victor, and Karla Mosley are great but they don't have the popularity of Crystal Chappell gained in the 8 to 9 months of playing a bisexual character. So, I can easily see Venice delivering 100K or more views.

    What's striking about Dawson's success is that he and other YouTube phenoms are earning the same kind of numbers for most shows on the CW and almost the same as 3 daytime soaps.
