Wednesday, October 7, 2009

INDIE SOAP BEAT Extra: The V Shop Is Open

If you are one of the many fans anticipating the upcoming web soap VENICE, you may wnat to check out the show's new store, the V Shop, where you can purchase merchandise like t-shirts, boxers and briefs.

The V Shop is yet another brilliant marketing strategy by Crystal Chappell and the entire VENICE team. As we have said repeatedly at We Love Soaps, there are many merchandising opportunities out there for soaps (that have some of the most loyal fans anywhere) if the show runners actually want to make some extra cash. It's nice to see the ladies behind VENICE have already figured this out.

The charcoal t-shirt pictured at the right is an example of something you can buy at the store. Please note that Crystal Chappell is only modeling the shirt and is not included with your purchase.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Not included with the purchase"
    BUt I guess shipping would have been a bitch to pay if she were..^^
    Love the shop!And not just because of the pretty pictures.
    Am so overtaken with the emotion of excitement, I obvioulsy can't even spell anymore;-)

  3. ...and she wears it SOOOOOOO well! Just sayin'

  4. Just something to bare in mind: Crystal has said that if there are 1000 pairs of briefs pre-ordered tonight she will model some for us. Just in case you need a little encouragement...
