Saturday, September 26, 2009

When Geeks Collide: A Hunter & Maddie Preview

Evan Alex Cole's Hunter and Alexandra Chando's Maddie seem like a match made in heaven. Will is play out that way on screen? Here is a preview of their first encounter.


  1. When it started I thought, 'Oh, here we go again, two people instantly hate each other.' Then they bonded over being tech geeks. Love it! :)

  2. I always loved Maddie! Watching this clip, kinda makes me want to start watching ATWT again. Oh, and I <3 the Geek factor, that's right up my alley!

  3. They are so cute!! I have to watch.

  4. great job atwt! maddie and hunter together is an awesome match. can't wait!

  5. I have been hoping for this since the day I found out Alexandra was coming back, yeahh!

  6. Roger, any inside scoop on when and if Maddie will be onscreen with Henry and Audrey?

  7. Okay. Loved Maddie and am so happy to have her back. Love Hunter. Glad to see him have chemistry with someone not his mother or sister. HOWEVER....this, it's a COMMERCIAL for that phone/blackberry/newfound gadget that Maddie is holding. It's a COMMERCIAL people. Still...if things like that are what it takes to keep my soap on the air, I will gladly accept it. I just want to make sure that everyone who watches this scene realizes it is a COMMERCIAL for a product. Seriously. Watch it again.

  8. Andy... I think everyone knows that. But product placements have been part of soaps for YEARS. This time they found a way to incorporate it into the storyline in a way that makes sense. Nothing wrong with that IMO. Maddie and Hunter obsessing over a new gadget is in character for them.

  9. Well, let me say that I have never noticed product placement on a daytime soap before. I don't mean that they aren't there but it's just never been so painfully obvious to me as it is in this scene. I do not approve. :-)

  10. Well I remember Lucy and Dusty in a room full of Bounty paper towels and more recently when Parker and Liberty were doing something with V8 drinks.

  11. Andy, soaps have done product placement for years. I thought them talking about the phone was very natural and made sense for these two characters. Butterball turkeys, hair dye and did not work well for me.

  12. I'm glad Chando is back in the role of Maddie. The interaction between Maddie and Hunter in that scene reminds me of Maddie and Noah (Jake Silberman)for some reason or other. I can't wait til Maddie and Noah have their reunion.
