Friday, July 3, 2009

CLASSIC CLIP: ATWT July 3, 2003 & 2008

Six years ago today on AS THE WORLD TURNS, Carly and Jack got married in Montanta. Meanwhile, one year ago today, ATWT featured a special gay pride episode with Cyndi Lauper the likes of which we have never seen before on the soaps.

Also on this day, 22 years ago, Scott Holmes assumed the role of Tom Hughes.


  1. This is the 3rd Carjack 2003 Montana clip you guys have posted lately.

    Can't we get a little variety? Not to sound too snarky (you guys honestly do an awesome job with the blog), but if it must be Carjack, at least pick a different year.

  2. Amy, I was actually just going to flash back to last year because that was such a memorable episode but becasue we had posted the two previous clips I thought we ought to post the actual wedding since the other two were leading up to that moment.

  3. Thanks for the explanation, Roger!

    I was just surprised with all the Montana clips being posted and I'm so not a Carjack fan. But I now get the reasoning behind it.
