Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ken Corday's Not So Classy Comment about GL

DAYS OF OUR LIVES executive producer Ken Corday made the following statement in the new issue of Soap Opera Digest:

Not to name names, but in desperate times, desperate measures are sometimes the worst things to resort to, and it's clear now in hindsight and it was clear to the viewers as it was going on what [GL became] was not soap opera. It smacked of ESPN or the evening news and done without and homage to the creator of the show....But the readers of your magazine should know that it wasn't because of one inept person in the last year or two; the show ran its course.

It is umfathomable to me that an executive producer of another soap would make such an asinine and classless comment about the cancellation of GUIDING LIGHT by CBS. It is also incredbily hypocritical considering the decisions Corday has made at DAYS in the past several years. I'm dumbfounded that he would make a comment that GL is nota soap opera considering the fact that GUIDING LIGHT is leaps and bounds ahead of DAYS in quality and entertainment value at the moment. His statement is in stark contrast to the statement Ellen Wheeler made back in December when I visited the GUIDING LIGHT set.

Nothing bad that happens to any other show helps me. It only helps me if we're all growing together. Every success is my success, too. Whatever happens that is good for another show is only helpful to me. I need us all to be, if not growing, at least staying where we are, because there is so little left for any of us. We all need to be supporting each other.

Corday's statment makes Chuck Pratt's "angry lesbian" comments from Monday seem tame by comparison. Sadly, these are the people running our beloved shows. Daytime soaps are dying because so many of the critical people in charge do not seem to respect their audience or the genre itself.


  1. 'Not so classy' is a stark understatement!

  2. Wow, no class and asinine ~ but is this really surprising considering what he "thinks" is must see t.v. - I think NOT. He's a joke and only makes himself look like a dirtbag.

  3. Ken Corday is the Brody Jenner of daytime - a man who took his parents' achievement and alternately drove it into the ground and made it a complete joke.

    He has divebombed every good thing that's ever happened at DAYS.

    Ellen is a class act; unfortunately, dirtbags like Corday prevail.

  4. Corday is going to rue the day he made these comments...especially since the firing of TWO of the people responsible for making DOOL must see through many of THEIR lame story lines.

  5. Mr. Corday: May you rot in the deepest circle of hell for that comment. I'm not a regular viewer of GL, but like everyone else I mourn its soon to be passing from the air.

    Enough said.

  6. Go, Roger.

    Can I say I'm practically having a ... well ... biological reaction at the thought of Nelson Branco's upcoming "translation" of this one.

    Can Friday come soon enough??

  7. Ken Corday is an idiot and completely unprofessional. "Classless" is exactly the right word for him. Ellen Wheeler's comments on the other hand, show how it should be done, and it is indeed a shame that such idiots are the the one's in charge. As for Pratt's comments...it just leaves me speechless...I'm so glad that I never got caught up in the BAM or Breese storyline. In my opinion, Guiding Light is leading the way, not only in their production model, but their outstanding storylines and excellent actors. Corday clearly hasn't been watching the show..or he has cataracts in both eyes, because one would need to be blind to have not noticed the immense progress GL has made. To Ken Corday I say "go wash your mouth out with soap and learn some manners"!!

  8. Jerk is too nice a term. He obviously has no class---

  9. GL is running its course...right into the stratosphere of good, quality, entertaining television. GL has moved beyond standard daytime drama. Corday is jealous that he has no vision. Wheeler is the visionary who is bringing an amazing television to our television and computer screens. Wheeler is a class act. I continue to support P&G finding GL a new home so it can continue to show the other soaps how it is done in the modern world.

  10. The way Ken Corday manages to put his foot in his mouth every time he talks to the press, he really needs to hire a publicist to speak for him.

    Oh, but that's right, HIS show can't afford one.

  11. I don't see why he's made that comment. He practically had to do what GL had to do to stay on the air. But the difference is that GL moved into the forefront by having more creative episodes (I miss the Wednesday and loved the superhero THE GUIDING LIGHT episode), got it to where I can see it (it hasn't aired in Sacramento since 1991 so I see it online), and, since I work with digital video, I had more patience with the transition because it was a new editing medium.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
