Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Evening News

AfterElton: "As The World Turns'" Luke and Noah ring in the new year alone, off screen. The fellas danced and Noah got over the "can't be gay in public" hump and it was cute. But why do I have the feeling that when we next see the fellas they'll be back to playing Archie and Edith while Dusty bangs blondes in his car and the Hotprechaun languishes in bed (with the same blonde, I might add) for an entire episode?

Soap Opera Digest: Pamela Payton-Wright Tackles A Whole New Addie. "One Life to Live" viewers were shocked when, after 15 years of seeing Blair's mom every now and then at St. Ann's, a freshly coiffed and seemingly normal Addie waltzed through Dorian's door on Christmas Eve. "It was pretty sudden for me, too!" shares Pamela Payton-Wright, who originated the role of childlike Addie in 1992.

Beaverton Valley Times: Jeff Hall originally thought it would be great if he could assemble a couple dozen Jesuit High School alumni in honor of Saturday’s 10th anniversary of the Alex L. Parks Performing Arts Center. A surprising number of those returning graduates have gone on to make names for themselves in musical or acting endeavors including Mandy Bruno from the class of 2000. Bruno, 26, earned an Emmy nomination for her role as Marina Cooper on CBS’ daytime soap opera “Guiding Light,” made her Broadway debut this past year in “Les Miserables” and appeared in an off-Broadway production of “Frankenstein.”

Courier Mail: A new wave of Aussie studs and starlets is set to sweep Tinseltown and 2008 will see the city swamped by expats doing their best to feign a Yankee accent. Former "Home & Away" tike Tammin Sursok already has a firm foot in Hollywood with her three-year contract in "The Young and The Restless" but will hit the big screen in '08 with a small role opposite Harrison Ford and Sean Penn in Crossing Over.

The Age: How the artistic landscape has changed. It wasn't always this good for TV. Even today it's widely considered to be the devil's spawn of the visual mediums. So how did TV come to get the moniker "the new film"? In the 1980s, it was intimated Elizabeth Taylor had lost her mind making a cameo on daytime soap "General Hospital."

FOX News: Well, nobody is going to argue that 2007 was a big year for former "Another World" star Lindsay Lohan — and the reformed rehabber made sure it went out with a bang. Back to the Future: Soaps Try to Revive 80s Glory. Patrick Erwin writes: "The death of the soap opera may have been widely exaggerated — they’re still alive and kicking. But it’s no secret that the patient is ailing. Ratings for many of the shows are anemic, and they’ve continued to shrink. While many of us Thinking Soap Fans have ideas on how to make our shows more vibrant and healthy, most of The Powers That Be have, in the last few years, tended to stick to one of two approaches. One is the over-the-top, I can’t-believe-they-did-that story (clones, demonic possession, pregnant hermaphrodites, and so on). I’m not a fan of this kind of story– the damage done to the show is almost never worth the brief bump in ratings. The second trend is one I call “back to the future.” Most of the shows have gone back to characters and/or stories that were popular in the 1980s."

Daytime Confidential: Top 10 Actors of 2007. Van Hansis is #1.

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