Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Days Says Goodbye to Adrienne?

Judi Evans, who left "Days of our Lives" as Bonnie then returned earlier this year as Adrienne has posted the following message in the guestbook on her official website:

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Austin, Michael, and I truly enjoyed ours. I wish everyone a healthy and happy new year. Days news: After the new year, Adrienne and Justin and their boys will be moving to Dubai. I just recieved the script. What's in store for them in the future is anyones guess. I am currently working on several different projects and will give updates when I can. Thank you for all your support through the years and may God bless you all!

All my best,


I have been a fan of Judi's for 25 years now. Beth Raines was one of my first loves. :) I was getting tired of "Days" in the 80s when she first joined as Adrienne and I stuck with the show. Then she joined my favorite soap, "Another World" as Paulina. Much love goes out to the talented and Emmy winning Judi Evans.

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