Tell Me a Story premiered Wednesday on CBS All Access. The show takes the world's most beloved fairy tales and reimagines them as a dark and twisted psychological thriller. Set in modern-day New York City, the first season of this serialized drama interweaves "The Three Little Pigs." "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Hansel and Gretel" into an epic and subversive tale of love, loss, greed, revenge and murder.
The cast of Tell Me a Story includes James Wolk (Lone Star), Billy Magnussen (As the World Turns), Dania Ramirez (Devious Maids), Danielle Campbell (The Originals), Dorian Missick, Michael Raymond-James (True Blood), Davi Santos, Sam Jaeger (Parenthood), Zabryna Guevara (New Amsterdam) with Paul Wesley (The Vampire Diaries, Guiding Light, Another World) and Kim Cattrall (Sex and the City).
From Aaron Kaplan’s Kapital Entertainment, TELL ME A STORY is written and executive produced by Kevin Williamson alongside Aaron Kaplan, Dana Honor and Liz Friedlander, who also directs the first two episodes.
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