Tuesday, April 15, 2014

GH: Is GENERAL HOSPITAL Out Of Control? And Should Twitter Impact Your Enjoyment Of A Show?

GENERAL HOSPITAL has done many things right since executive producer Frank Valentini and head writer Ron Carlivati took over the reins of the show in early 2012. It can certainly be argued that they saved this long time daytime drama from cancellation. The show was dreary and boring and they quickly revitalized it.

Robin (Kimberly McCullough), slated to die for "real", was saved. Popular actors Finola Hughes, Lynn Herring, Robin Mattson, Kin Shriner, Kristina Wagner, and Tyler Christopher, among others, returned. The events leading up to the 2013 Nurses Ball were magical. I truly believe that Mr. Carlivati is a fan of the show and is trying hard to respect its history. He understands that fans want to see their favorite characters from the past.

However, as the months have gone on, I have noticed a disturbing trend. Some of the decisions about where to take certain stories are quite bizarre. Carly (Laura Wright) falls in love with Franco (Roger Howarth)? Franco then becomes the love child of Scott (Shriner) and Heather (Mattson)? Robin fights her way back from two years of captivity to be reunited with her young daughter and husband, and then voluntarily leaves them to save the life of a "frozen" Jason? Crazy Dr. Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) becomes Chief of Staff at General Hospital? Donna Mills' Madeline Reeves, first introduced as the mother of Silas' (Michael Easton) comatose wife, is revealed to be Magda Westbourne (Donna Mills), Obrecht's sister? Does everyone have to be related to each other on this show?

While every drama has their "off" moments, it has occurred to me in recent times that some viewers I know feel guilty saying they are not happy with the direction of GH. Was the show so close to cancellation that we have to be grateful it's even on the air. Yes, GH was going to be most likely cancelled. But the show doesn't get a free pass when it's going off track. The fact that the show was revitalized is even more reason to turn a critical eye on the show. Viewers deserve better than they are getting in some cases.

I don't believe Mr. Carlivati is helping matters by his presence on Twitter, at least for me personally. He tweets on a daily basis about his own characters, as if he isn't the one who is writing the show. He even gets into arguments with fans who are upset about certain plot twists. Then there was the infamous Twitter war with actor John Stamos, insulting the WGA Award-winning DAYS OF OUR LIVE writers, and this tweet to the innocuous comments actor Sean Kanan made to TV Guide Magazine's Michael Logan:

"@TVGMLogan @seankanan @GeneralHospital "His comments are like school in the summertime. No class."

At what point do you separate yourself from the show you are writing? Where is the professionalism?

So what is going on? How much love can you give your own show that you ultimately end up turning viewers off? Port Charles doesn't remotely resemble a town that is based in reality, and this is not a new development, but the constantly changing DNA and back-from-the-dead shenanigans make it hard to invest in some of the stories. It's hard to take some of it seriously at this point, and this is a show that is famous for freezing the world.

Believe me, I am very happy that GENERAL HOSPITAL is still with us. We were very close to losing this iconic soap. There certainly are things I am enjoying about General Hospital. The denouement to the Nikolas-Brit engagement was fantastic. I thought "Carlypalooza" was inspired and a beautiful way to honor what Sarah Brown and Tamara Braun brought to the role of Carly. But I can't excuse a soap that is becoming more and more outlandish, while the head writer blasts fans for their criticism. He might be better served spending time trying to understand why some fans are unhappy instead of thinking up clever ways to cut them down. I am very curious what you think. I've had to stop reading some tweets so that I can enjoy the show more. Are you enjoying GENERAL HOSPITAL these days? Excited about the latest plot twists? Do you think that Ron Carlivati is going too far on Twitter? Can there ever be too many characters returning from the dead? Can GH characters, like Heather, ever be too outlandish? I am curious about your thoughts. Sound off in the Comments section below.


  1. I have to admit that reading the tweets of some people, including a few actors, made me enjoy a show less so when that starts to happen I unfollow them on Twitter. It should be all about the stories we're seeing and not all the personal stuff but it's hard to separate when I'm watching and tweeting live. All I've found to do is not read some people's tweets.

    As for GH, it's the most hot and cold soap for me. There are weeks, like Robin's return, that I find it the most compelling daytime drama on the air, then other weeks that it feels like a totally different show, one that I don't care about. I have a feeling the budget and juggling actor's salaries and schedules have a lot to do with it but as a viewer that doesn't matter to me. I just want to be entertained. This regime is capable of some great things and just as capable of producing a really boring show.

    I am really looking forward to another Nurses Ball.

    1. To be honest, I haven't been using Twitter as much when GH is on because I get really annoyed by the ridiculous amount of hate, most of which is undeserved. Being snarky and playful is one thing, but when people are insulting writers and actors, using disgusting sexual innuendos directed at the writers concerning certain characters, I can't deal because it makes it hard to enjoy the show.

      But I am going to be honest, though I love MOST of what Ron and Frank have done BUT they ALWAYS shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to introducing new characters. This thing with Nathan being Obrecht's son should not have come out until mid summer after months of us watching Maxie fall HARD for Nathan. Making Nathan Maxie's knight in shining armor, and even having Mac love him because he's a cop, and THEN we find out about Madeline, Nina and Nathan's backstory as Obrecht's kid and Britt's half-brother. When it comes to new characters, it's just too much too fast, and that often backfires because today fans just find any reason to hate even if the characters/stories are descent.

      AND another thing, STOP INTRODUCING NEW CHARACTERS!!!! Once again, I do enjoy most of the new characters, but STOP!!!

    2. Well said Roger. Online behavior has had an effect on my enjoyment of a show, its cast, and crew as well. I think that the soap genre which s so use to a quiet tabloid-free existence perhaps needs to develop some universal ground rules for social media. In Ron’s case I just think he can get oversensitive sometimes & has knee-jerk reactions when he should just ignore and log off. There are some actors who I used to enjoy who I no longer do because they chose twitter as a place to vent frustrations. I just think the genre as a whole needs to figure out how to use the internet in a positive way.

    3. Oh, Roger--it's Karen (Wubs Net) here. You know you and I have to dish sometime :) well said.
      Hope you read my blog once and awhile.
      Twitter is ...well, interesting. That's for damn sure.

  2. I understand what your saying as far as the stories getting a little out there, I must admit I didnt see the Obrecht/West sister story coming but at the same time I love it and I did scream with enjoyment when it happened, but I agree it can also be hot and cold

  3. What I am missing is real emotion from GH. I want to FEEL something.

  4. I will admit that once upon a time, GH was the only soap for me. Now, I don't care whether I see it or not - it seems that connection that was once there is totally gone and I feel no connection to any of these characters, especially all of the newbies introduced at the expense and concentration/concern for all of the veteran characters.

  5. I am not on twitter, I find the whole concept to be grating. In regards to the show it has both it's good and bad days. I only watch sporadically because it can become nauseating. I've read some of Ron's obnoxious tweets on messageboards. But, this is the current social platform where everyone gets to say whatever they please without reprecussion. And, from what I've seen written to RC I can see why he responds in kind. Crazy begets crazy.

  6. GH has become PASSIONS, but without the sense of humor.

    1. That's a bold statement but I don't get the comparison. I respect your opinion as a longtime fan and insider but I think a statement as intentionally negative as that needs some explanation.

    2. I think that statement speaks for itself. GH has become a self parody of sorts, but it's making viewers laugh at it, not with it as some did with Passions.

  7. Well as a LONG TIME GH fan, I will have to say that for a while in the past regime I abandoned it. But I *love* what Carlivati is doing and now GH is a can't miss thing for me. Since I work during the day I rely on my DVR and Hulu+ to keep up. I love how Carlivati tweets just enough during the show for me to be anxious to get home to watch.

    I think the show is better than it has been in years. If you're looking for a totally reality based show, then forget it. But all semblance of reality let decades ago when Gloria Monty froze Port Charles.

    1. GH is totally not a reality based soap although I prefer that personally most of the time. I never thought DAYS could transition back to that after JER but somehow it did. I just wish GH had a bit more balance, and more romance. A character like Heather is probably a great example of how the show makes me torn. She's only tolerable for me in the past year because I love Robin Mattson so much and she saves it a tiny bit. But it's so over the top, more than GH usual. I think Robin had a harder time finding the humanity in the Heather-Franco situation which usually takes something wacky and makes it human and watchable. I really loved Heather with Todd and Franco sort of is Todd now but it didn't work. I want to see one of my favorite actors but want "more" from her stories. It seems like there's no middle ground in some cases. With the last story I almost would rather have not seen Heather and I can't believe I thought that.

      OLTL was very hot and cold like this as well. I just blamed Brian Frons for it instead of the EP/HW, maybe it's them. Frank is known as a great producer to work for and the best at making a show look good under budget. So that may be the price we have to pay for getting amazing things like the Nurses Ball and then a few weeks of Franco explaining why he didn't do all the things we know he did. I think I've enjoy DAYS and B&B the most in the past year because they are the most consistent. GH is up and down but can also reach amazing highs that make me watch on the edge of my seat like I haven't for daytime soaps in forever. I thought maybe I was just getting old and would never feel that away again but when Duke ripped off that mask and revealed himself to be Faison in 2012 I was riveted.

      Thanks for the article, Michael. We always have really smart discussion from all perspectives and that's why I love the We Love Soaps readers so much. No matter what side of the fence anyone is one about the current GH, I am thrilled it's on the air and we get a chance to love it, hate it or some emotion in between.

  8. For the most part, I love GH. I find it lively and engaging and it moves at a brisk enough pace to keep things interesting. But it is not a perfect show. In trying to keep so many great characters, some get lost in the shuffle-- didn't Felix have a sister? Roger Howarth as Franco is a risk that has largely not paid off yet. I found Robin's return unnecessary and it's timing disrupted other stories that are still affected by it.

    I've watched every soap for some time or more but GH is the only one that's had me hooked since OLTL and GH in the 80s. The high drama, the camp, the international adventures, the jaw-dropping reveals were my personal favorite era. We all like a different kind of soap-- there are plenty of fans that think that the Jill Farren Phelps years that I found unwatchable were the best ever. Different strokes for different folks.

    Although I don't fault Carlivati for defending himself online, I wish he would realize it is a losing battle. There's a large base of people, soap fans and others, who think that they should be able to say whatever they want without anyone disagreeing with them or challenging their opinions. Case in point, I found Sean Kanan's departing comments to be unprofessional and insulting to the fans who enjoyed his story, but when Carlivati responded, most seemed to pin him as the bad guy. I've never had as many trolls on me as when I defended Carlivati and suggested that Kanan should have taken the high road and said nothing when he left. But I think most people who comment on any subject have something negative to say. My advice to Carlivati would be that every tweet you respond to from a detractor could be one replied to from a fan of your work.

    I think all four of the shows have their issues right now as the soap is in a state of transition and none of them are 100% great. But GH has me looking forward to every episode.

  9. Careful, anything you say could be made into a plot on the show if it hits RC's fancy.....and he'll likely blame everything we hate on the water poisoning story that went nowhere in 2012.

  10. I think you hit all the right points.

    Especially the point where you asked if we should compromise or overlook weaknesses out of guilt or gratitude. Because I get the impression from Frank and Ron that we should.

    I believe the only positive outcome from this regime change is that Frank seems to be running General Hospital extremely well from a financial standpoint. While I do believe Jill had superior production value from a viewing perspective, her production model was not sustainable. I don't think she was as cost conscious as Frank is, which could only hurt a show in the long run with it's budget constantly being slashed. So I give him kudos for that.

    But the trade offs are evident. The show feels different and not in a good way. The editing is terribly choppy, scenes are shorter to accommodate the expanding cast, the music used to heighten anticipation or revelations is rather corny, storylines are dropped at crucial points for weeks and veteran characters are not used regularly.

    I know I'm supposed to be impressed that they brought back the characters Lucy, AJ, Scotty, Laura (very briefly), Kevin, Felicia, Bobbie, Ned, Heather, Nikolas, Faison and Anna.

    But I'm not. What did he bring them back to do? How well were they integrated in the stories unfolding now? Why are they not in regular rotation? Why is it that they have all these great characters at their disposal yet bring on new person after new person, then used established characters to support the stories of these new people? Dr.O, Nina's mother, Nathan, Levi, Britt, Sabrina, Felix, Brad, Jordan, Ava, Julian, Silas, Kiki, Franco and lord knows I'm forgetting others. What is there to be impressed about exactly and how does this translate into them caring about GH history?

  11. Anyone can bring a character back, whether it's from the dead or if they drop out from out the sky. ANYONE. What they do with them is what makes the difference. And if you have to re-write their history to utilize them or direct the actor/actress to perform in such a way that is unfamiliar and totally against who the character is, how much of their history do you truly respect?

    If it's a financial issue, then Frank needs to get a handle on the cast. I would prefer ONE vet return and actually impact story on a regular basis than have 10 return, pop up one day every 2 months, to talk amongst themselves about story that unfolded offscreen, or story that unfolded 2 months prior that we have surely forgotten about. It's great that we have a writer who writes beyond the perils of Jason, Sonny and Carly but they are horribly unfocused. Spreading themselves too thin with these story arcs isn't the answer because the stories are horribly paced and have holes bigger swiss cheese as a result.

    Another weakness is the dialogue.

    The dialogue writers under Bob Guza had their flaws. But they understood who the characters were. Namely Karen Harris and Michele Val Jean have written some of the best scripts in GH’s recent past. They had an identity, a way they articulated their emotions, hang ups and vices. Stories not only unfolded but emotions were translated that were unique to the character and their experiences. Two people could have a conversation that not only moved the plot forward, but help establish or cultivate the relationship. It unfolded naturally. Most importantly, they left their mark. They didn’t just write for characters but they created memories that were unique to each one.

    Frank's team does not do that. If there isn't endless and monotonous exposition, detailing every event that has happened in the story up to that point, then it's characters having generic and straightforward conversation with the sole purpose of moving the plot forward. There is no familiarity. No one is unique. There are no memories being created. It is quite clear these writers are writing them cold turkey and don't have a clue who the characters are or what they are like.

    Last but not least, these desperate attempts at twists and turns. It has gotten to the point where a viewer needs to check their brain at the door. I realize it's a soap. And yes, they froze the world in the 80s and I'm sure has used other outlandish plot devices up until now but I was under the impression GH evolved beyond that. Plastic masks? Frozen people? How many dead people will show up next? Why is Dr.O the chief of Staff? Why does Heather keep breaking out the looney bin? Why was Faison running around like a cartoon cracking jokes when he was no such thing in years gone by? Why are they spending time on a love triangle with children when there are adult character who can't buy airtime? I'm just supposed to accept these redundant and ridiculous plot twists because it's amusing? Because it’s necessary for some future plot?

    GH is not Passions but it has slowly turned into a satire, to the point where I wonder what the actors who were accustomed to more thoughtful material are thinking. Especially when their peers on other soaps are given more serious content from writers with a better grasp of basic human emotion and tone.

    Ron wonders why he lost against Days of Our Lives of the writing award. Instead of blaming the politics behind unions, he needs to take an honest look at his work and look at what his peers are doing.

    Then ask himself if his writing is truly respectable.

    1. All true (clapping my hands)

    2. Slow clapping this comment for excellence.

    3. I would love to co-sign SamMcCallFan's post. Very well thought out & Excellent Points made! As a long time viewer it is Sad to see what has happened to my once favorite soap.

  12. Thank god I'm not the only one. Thank you for this article. GH is out of control. Things seemed to be going great until the whole One Life To Live fiasco and they had to change the characters. It seems that caused it to go off the tracks and it has been all over the place since. There is no continuity. Characters are on one day and then not on again for weeks. How can we get emotionally invested in a story or character when there are such huge gaps? I love GH. Grew up with it, but I hardly recognize it now. A year ago it was must see tv for me, now, I have 10 episodes saved up on my DVR that I have not watched.

    1. I can definitely identify with your last statement. I have unwatched episodes on my DVR dating back to over a month ago, and I am considering just deleting them.

  13. I don't Tweet and don't have the slightest desire to get an account or even read people's tweets so what the writers say on twitter effects me little to none.

    The show is fine. At least 200X better than "Young and the Restless." Stop being so whiney folks.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. For the most part I've enjoyed GH more then I did a few years ago. It can be hot and cold for me though. I started out hating Britt then actually have ended up loving her with Nicholas. I only hope they bring them back together since I hate him with Elizabeth. I loved the whole Madeline and Obrecht as sisters storyline. I wasn't expecting that at all and love it when they can surprise me. The one storyline I absolutely abhor is the Luke one. I don't know if this is suppose to be a fake Luke or what but either way I HATE it.

  16. GH has it's up & down moments for me! The Mom's From Hell Dr.O & Madeline make me laugh..,but far as Luke goesssss ahh im not a fan of it! Carlypooloza was great but if anything can they please stop with all these extra characters and do everybody in Port Charles have to be related to everyone lol

  17. Dear Michael,

    Will you marry me?

    Between this thoughtful critique and the other DAYS' Dannifer, I feel grateful for your writing. I have been rather dismayed with the lack of criticism GH has received from the "soap press." GH has a bloated cast with far too may poorly introduced characters, poorly conceived and/or executed story and often embarrassing dialogue.

    Is Scott Scipes still a breakdown writer? I thought he moved to GH from OLTL. He crafted some lovely dialogue including Viki Buchanan's speech on Fraternity Row in OLTL's penultimate episode.

    For this viewer, I mainly enjoyed fallout at Nik/Britt's engagement party because of Nik, Luke, Tracy, Sonny, Alexis, Lulu, Dante, Ric and Liz (Rebecca Herbst looked and performed gorgeously.) I thought "Carlypalooza" was a brilliant storytelling device but that episode shared space with decimation of the Quartermaines with AJ's death. Dr. Olbrecht's continued ability to commit heinous crimes and maintain not only her freedom but also a position as General Hospital's Chief of Staff! I love the actress (Kathleen Gati) but the story hurts my ability to enjoy her fully.

    GH needs to cut it's cast, focused on the veteran characters and tell better story longtime viewers can invest in. Right now, it's hard to invest in GH when GH isn't investing in me.

  18. This show has been running off the rails for a long time. The bloated cast is only the beginning of its problems.

    The nasty tweet about Sean Kanan was the last straw and I stopped watching cold turkey.

    I started watching Days Of Our Lives (which was really the first soap I truly loved when I was a teenager 30 plus years ago) to see Sonny & Will's wedding and was amazed at how good a show can be.

    Sign me...Happy to be back in Salem.

  19. Roger, Madeline's real name is Magda Westbourne, not Martha, and you also spelled Westbourne wrong!

    1. This is Michael's article so how did you know I was the one who screwed up that name? He got it right and I changed it! I read that it's "Magda" but I swear all I hear is "Martha". I trust you though and most of the world. My old ears aren't what they used to be. With that out of the way, what do you think about the current state of GH?

    2. I think it's pretty good so far, but it can be so-so sometimes, but no other soaps can be perfect all the time! Sorry if I mistaken you for writing this article!

  20. This post was an eloquent summary of my exact thoughts concerning GH. I couldn't have said it better myself, especially without foul language... Bravo!

  21. The writers need to listen to some of the suggested story lines from the viewers. We need an escape from the crazy world we live in and GH is just not providing that escape at the moment. Too much violence, guns, criminals running around, that is just crazy!!! Not believable at all - even in the world of soaps! The writers need to check out some of the other shows on ABC, like Castle...a real backstory with love intertwined with the "bad guys" getting caught! I believe people want stories they can follow, cheer for the heroes and sometimes laugh at the "bad guys" who, by the way - do pay for their crimes...! Love in the afternoon can work - they should give it a try!

  22. Excellent post!

    I think at this point Ron Carlivati lives in his own little bubble, going to war with who ever criticizes him and doesn't care about the rest.
    In my personal opinion, GH has gotten very plot-driven. You have so many characters and so many twists that it's hard to get really invested. There is no real character development. Instead you have this outlandish stuff with the same kind of characters over and over again.

    I don't know why this show needs so many characters and then you see some of them not for weeks. How about letting some of these people go that might just in the end give you the money to offer Genie Francis or any of these other long-running actors on the show on contract that are now on recurring?
    There are too many characters that don't make an impact and too many stories that are just written after plot and could work in any other consolation. Obrecht is just as obsessed over her children these days like Heather or Helena were before her... You killed off AJ and practically replaced him with Ric in Elizabeth's love life.

    This show used to be so much fun last year. I really enjoyed the 50th anniversary.

    But now I feel like I see more of the same outlandish crap with a bloated cast that just can't keep my interest.

  23. I'm sick of all the "back from the dead" characters and focus on newbies like Nathan and now this Nina character who is still offscreen.

    The Carly/Franco romance is just plain awful.

  24. By today's daytime standards Ron is a good writer for me because he obviously cares about his show, even if it seems like too at times on Twittter. It has made me think more about having a real FAN as a head writer of a soap though because when he's talked about the GH of the past, what he was a fan of hasn't always matched what I liked. I remember when he talked about Rick and Monica during GH50 as if they were my Rick and Lesley. And sometimes there's too much focus on the '80s. When Brad mentioned the Asian Quarter I was so excited then got worried that one of my favorite stories might be rewritten someday. I wouldn't mind a new Asian Quarter I just don't want to ever be told what I watched originally didn't happen, even if Ron finds a week of time where sometime may be plausible. I wasn't happen with Delia from RH turned out to be Ava's mother from before Ryan's Hope. I'm not sure I'm explaining myself but just because something may have happened off screen at some time in the past, like Franco being Scotty and Heather's son, doesn't mean it's a good idea. I do applaud the effort to try to make things work into a feasible time even when those stories are told I don't like. Some soap writers in the past have rewritten history and didn't even care to research the past.

  25. I think Ron needs a co-Head writer and better script writers, unfortunately all the good ones he had when he was at OLTL are at Days now. There are so many great writers that haven't been employed in over 10 years

  26. I am not surprised in the least bit that RC turned GH into a running joke.And the real joke is on him because BEFORE he took over it actually won a lot of EMMYS every year ,since he took over that has stopped.Now they are lucky to even get 1 or 2.He did this same crap to OLTL.That show was a really great show BEFORE he took over and ruined it by turning it into a joke.

  27. WOW! - Someone FINALLY says what I have been thinking! - this type of writing was great for OLTL because of the type of soap it was ....HUGE MISTAKE trying to bring over the same concept to GH .......OLTL had viewers that didn't watch GH and vice versa and there was a reason for that......If you're a viewer that has watch BOTH soaps for the equal time they have been on then you can see ALL the similarities of how they are incorporating a lot of what they did with OLTL into GH and it's NOT a GENIUS move......I am still a fan but I do watch less now because of the idiocracy.

    1. oh yes and one more thing I forgot to add - Why do the viewers NEED to think they can dictate storylines or the saving a character from death by starting a "rant" which turns into a cross burning ?...I'm TIRED of watching this happen! - that was the beauty of SOAP of old was to NOT know what was going to happen and you just dealt with the outcome....NOW EVERYBODY drags a bone to Twitter thinking the writers are supposed to cater to their whim.......Soaps are becoming extinct and this is a part of the reason why - it's like WHO needs the headache!!!

    2. My thoughts exactly. When did this personalization by the fans start to happen? So many tweets and Facebook comments from viewers who think that because they don't like the show that there's some kind of conspiracy going on to get it cancelled. GH shows improvement in ratings but the negative comments keep coming-- why is that? My only guess is that negative people are more likely to comment and people who are happy with the show have better things to do.

    3. LOL "M" - the latter would be ME - and I definitely agree....basically because they said my age group doesn't count - so if that's the case then why be a constant viewer and give them ratings they DON"T deserve.....You're so right I can do better with my time or just watch something else which I have started doing!

  28. I started watching in the mid-70s in Jr High - watched faithfully through college & then have been on and off for long periods.

    50th anniversary & return of so many vets brought me back & I try to watch every day (although there are some marathon weekends).

    I have adjusted to the rotating cast and characters going off screen for long stretches, but the super fast scenes leave me wanting more. Where is the dialogue - the story building - the drama? Relationships are developed overnight it seems.

    Since Ned came back today, I think back to the Christmas Eve when Ned & Alexis met. I knew this was going to be the new relationship of the future, but it was months of build up before they even went out on a date. I cared when it happened.

    We saw Patrick & Sabrina have their first date in April and have a wedding in November? It just didn't work! Same with Nic & Brit. I liked them as a couple but to meet & start dating and get engaged in a matter of a few months is just too fast.

    I'm all for return from the dead characters when they should have never been killed off to start. STILL hoping for a Rick Webber return to clean up 2002

    1. Great point about the short scenes. This isn't a GH specific problem but something the networks started imposing however many years ago. I still long for the old school scenes that played out without being chopped up. I used to think daytime was copying primetime with the short scenes mandate but we get longer scenes on all my favorite primetime shows.

  29. I'm saddened by the fact that GH is so deplorable these days. The lead characters I tune into to watch are either nowhere to be found, dismissed as supporting cast or written so out of character that they don't even resemble themselves anymore. It doesn't help that FV and RC are so desperate to make this show their own that they are literally bringing in their own cast at the expense of the cast we love. There's a way to introduce new characters and this is not the way. They're coming in fast and furious and people simply resent them for hogging up all the airtime so fans will not give them a chance.

    As for Twitter, the way these folks are acting is adolescent and embarrassing. I love GH but this is not GH so if the ax is hovering, let it fall.

    1. Sadly I'm agreeing with you Diana...this GH is certainly NOT the GH that equals the old GH by any measure and it is VERY sad when we have had to sit back and watch them dismantle the GH of old....and I'm going back to 1970 - this soap isn't even a soap - it's more of a reality soap.

  30. I appreciate all of the thoughtful replies. You care about your show. I do credit Frank and Ron for bringing back actors that we most likely were never going to see again. I also initially appreciated all of the twists and turns. It's out of control now. I do fear that Ron is believing his own hype and it is getting in the way of telling story. The death of AJ was a tragedy. His initial "return from the dead," worked for me, because of the raw emotion involved. AJ finally had a chance. For him to be killed off again, what was even the point?

    1. With all due respect (and I do mean that, I love this site) when you say things like "It's out of control bow" and "Ron is believing his own hype," it's hard to take this piece as a thoughtful editorial instead of a rant. The title "Is General Hospital Out of Control?" isn't really appropriate because you've already made up your mind that it is, judging solely from your statements.

      Maybe it's just human nature these days but I wish that people online, in all subjects not just soaps, would spend the time talking about what they like and what they appreciate instead of just going negative. I've always found the best way of dealing with things you don't like is to just ignore them and not give them the air time you think they don't deserve. Tweets are tweets not matter the tone. Even if GH gets a thousand negative tweets a day, that's still a thousand tweets showing that people care about the show.

    2. @M

      It clearly shows that people care about the show. I don't think there is anything wrong with it to criticize. For some people these soap operas have been part of their lives for a very long time. Of course you don't sit quiet. You say what you don't like.
      Ignoring things you don't like can be very unsatisfying in life in my opinion. If you don't like something your partner says or does, you end up just ignoring it? If kids around you behave badly, you don't tell them how to do better, you just ignore it?
      That's not the way to handle things in my opinion. People should always be open for criticism. It might just make them better persons. And in this case, criticism just might give us a better "General Hospital".

    3. I thought it was a pretty balanced story. I didn't like the inclusion of the Twitter bit at first, it's not really our brand and the story is about the state of GH, but thought about it more and started wondering if Twitter was a net negative for even more people, and left it in to see where the discussion would go. "Out of Control" is a very Michael Goldberg to say, knowing him for many years, but interesting take on it. I'm so happy with the discussion that's been started with this and we need to do more. As for Ron, he definitely has an interesting tweeting style that seems to bring up many emotions in people but we can probably all agree it would be hard to find a head writer that loves this genre more, whether we like all the stories or not. I think I'm more fascinated by how people perceive him than what he actually tweets.

      Some PTB, actors, etc have annoyed me at times on Twitter and my only advice to Michael and anyone else is to not read the tweets if they bug you. It can be hard to resist but I've had to stop reading when someone's tweets took away from my enjoyment of a show. Even Y&R's official @YRInsider started bugging me for whatever reason and that's probably just some sweet intern. I realized it's not them, it's me. We can't read a person's tone or know what they were thinking/experiencing at the moment they tweet, and I would hate to be judged on the random junk I have tweeted over the years. LOL But I am really interested in the larger topic of how much Twitter influences viewers tuning in and/or enjoying a show.

      Thanks for your thoughts, M. I have always appreciated your take on things.

    4. I would agree, "Out of Control," IS a very Michael Goldberg thing to say. But we all need to be open to constructive criticism, including me. I certainly have my opinions, but welcome anyone who sees things differently. I really enjoying hearing what everyone has to say.

    5. Mr. Goldberg, "out of control" is not an out-of-control statement at all. I present to the jury, the extremely large portrait of Ron which hangs in Ava's art gallery.
      I rest my case.

  31. While you make some valid points, it feels like you main complaint is Ron’s twitter account. Perhaps that should have been a whole separate article. That being said I do think that GH needs to smooth out some rough patches but I don’t know that I would choose the same things to nitpick about. I personally am fine with the character of Franco & think that unfortunately many decided early on that they were not going to like the recast simple because they don’t like the original. Could things have been done differently? Yes but I’m entertained when he is on my screen which is a lot more than I can say for some other characters. The Nina Clay story line is a HUGE fail. Not only do I not care about this character but I now HATE the character of Silas. The story line was all over the place and the leading man came off looking like he has major issues with women. Not the kind of story I want to see on a soap. The fact that it seems they are going to continue forward with this tale is irritating. That being said I find GH to be the most watchable of all the soaps.

    Days is completely unwatchable right now but nobody critics it. They have completely miscast a major returning character and nobody says anything out of what seems to be pity for the actress & a fear of her fanbase. They are getting rid of Sheryl and killing yet another possible story for Lucas - one that was working & had great fan response - yet they are keeping Jordan. Don’t even get me started on the lack of payoff with the Eric/Nicole story line. It feels like because of Ron’s twitter antics that General Hospital seems to get single out.

    1. My takeaway was that Michael sees some potential fundamental flaws with the current GH beyond certain story decisions and I agree somewhat, although I think I enjoy the show a bit more these days. I definitely think there are some trends that have emerged, like the rotating cast and stories. As a fan I don't like actors or characters 1-40 equally so this greatly impacts my enjoyment from week to week. I have wanted to write a GH review for a while but some weeks I think it's the best thing ever and others I want to pull my hair out so it's been hard to put something coherent together. I'm glad Michael got the ball rolling so we could hear all this feedback. The comments have been fascinating to read because they are so smart and well thought out but also vary so much from person to person.

      I totally agree with you about Twitter being a separate article. I think we can have a fascinating discussion about the pros and cons of Twitter at some point, and how daytime shows are utilizing it versus primetime. I've noticed some differences but need to research this topic in more detail. I did find it telling though that Michael included Twitter as something that seems to make him enjoy GH less. I can relate in some ways and have pretty much stopped following the daytime soap hashtags when I watch live. I was starting to get more negative out of it than positive and want to enjoy my stories as much as possible. This story made me wonder if this is more of an anomaly or something that actually impacts more viewers than I know about.

      As for DAYS, it's probably my favorite of the four daytime soaps at the moment, rotating with B&B. Sounds like we need a thoughtful post about what's working and not working on the show in general. I get the sense fans are generally happy with DAYS so your comment has me questioning that. It's probably best left for another post, but I do know Sheryl was always meant to be a short-term character. They are writing the story they wanted to tell, good or bad, which I tend to appreciate. Are you talking about the new Eve being miscast? That's the only person that came to mind. I'm going to wait and see on that one but on paper I agree with you. The show must be really excited about the story to proceed without the original actress, who IMO made that role something way beyond what it was ever written to be. But there's only so much you can say months before it even airs.

      It sounds like our current soap rankings may be reversed from each other but IMO it bodes well for daytime that we're all so passionate about these shows.

  32. I hear what you are saying, SaveOurSuds I actually thought it was an interesting choice to bring Franco back. My problem with Franco isn't the character, it's the way he was brought back and how his story changed. I don't understand how Carly could fall in love with this man. I'm not even sure when it happened. But I do like the chemistry between Roger and Laura, I just wish it wasn't as Franco and Carly.

    I am glad you are liking GH. It isn't hurting in the ratings, so people are watching.

    Ron's behavior on Twitter is certainly part of the reason GH is being called out. I don't believe he is doing himself any favors.

  33. I certainly think Ron is gifted and think he and Frank work very well together. Ratings don't seem to be impacted, so fans must not be too disappointed. Should Ron think before he tweets? Possibly. If I find people too annoying on Twitter, I just quit following them. I think the major wrench was when PP sued and RC and FV had to give the 3 OLTL actors new characters...up until then, I was glued. I appreciate how he weaves GH faves in and out of stories, but also brings in new characters to give the show a shot in the arm.

    1. Prospect Park and the OLTL law suit have nothing to do with the stunt casting, the idiotic relish storyline. introducing a wealth of new characters at the expense of old characters, the ruination of AJ's vindication storyline and finally, the choppy writing in which a cliff hanger lasts for months on end. No, sorry, that's on Ron. As far as you saying that Ron is gifted? Well, only he and his mother would agree on that one.

  34. It's as if you read my thoughts. You are on point with everything. I'm so disappointed a show I loved a little over a year ago is something I now barely tolerate.

  35. EXTREMELY well said. I admit, I can be overly harsh about the show--for me, part of the reason is so much of the soap press and online presence seems to think it's without fault. (I didn't however know that Ron C was reading my posts, until I posted somewhere on FB how much I liked an episode last year and he popped up basically saying how a complement from me after all my insults about the show meant nothing--gah. He really needs someone telling him to at least use a fake name if he wants to retaliate against fans.)

    My current problem with the show is it just seems to be missing the stuff I love the most about soaps. Ron does BIG REVEAL MOMENTS *extremely* well--he did at One Life as well (which frankly I thought had some extremely brilliant 6 month periods and then suddenly would be unwatchable for a few months--GH is going through the same cycle albeit I think lately more so.) But there's very little emotional pay off or follow through. And the build up to those moments too often relies on over-stretching the soap convention of "oh they ALMOST see each other."

    If people knew, as we have been told they did, that Robin's character could only be on for a few months--WHY spend over a month of that having her wander around hidden spying on people?

    GH has a history in its modern life of balancing extreme camp with ultra "realistic" (for lack of a better word) soap opera. More so than soaps I admit I know and have loved better in the past (like All My Children, which, except at its worst, used camp basically just for Dickensian comedy.) I feel like the balance right now has been off for a year or so. Heather Webber constantly escaping, somehow having the money to hire a team to help her gets tiresome. The old Mission Impossible trick of super masks works *once* but when you use it over and over it has no shock or fun value and just makes me wonder as a viewer that ANY character on the show could at any moment reveal they've been wearing a mask. Simply put, there no longer seem to be any emotional stakes on the show.

  36. Very good article.

    I have been a viewer since I was a little girl, I am 45 now. Sure there have been times in there were i was not happy with what I saw on screen, but this is the first time in a LONG time that I am just don't care if I watch or not.

    This is how i see the way Mr. Calivari writes...he decides what STORY he wants to tell and then bends and twist the characters to fit the story, rather than knowing the characters past and personalities and writing a story that fit who they are and who they are known as..

    See as a soap viewer, I feel I know these "people". I have watched them everyday for years and as such i know who they are and what they would or would not do, but i don't feel that these regime knows or frankly I dont think they care.

    Take for instance Carly and Franco. FRANCO the character is not a leading man character. I watched with my own eyes as he did horrible things to people Carly loves and I dont care how many brain tumors, or white washes is written, this will never change my opinion. I feel like they want Roger and Laura paired so badly that story making sense takes a back seat. Franco and Carly are sickening to me no matter who plays Franco.

    That is just one example of how the writers give no thought to who they are writing for in storylines. Another problem is that plot points happen that lead no where and leave me baffled so how can I get invested when what I am seeing may or may not matter a week, 2 weeks, a month from now. Viewers remember...

    Take for instance the Silas and Ava interaction concerning his wife. It lead to no where. What were the whispers, the worried glances, the guilty looks about. And why should I care one way or another who hurt Nina. I DO NOT KNOW HER. I don't know Silas(nor do I want to) I dont know Madeline, or anyone associated with this story but Sam and she is being written as a boil attached to Silas's tail that has become stupid and horny for a man that is older looking than her father...It blows my mind why they think I care about Silas or a wife that I have never seen. NINA should have already been introduced on screen if tptb want me to care, she should be real to me not someone that gets talked about more than VETS I know and care about...

    I dont even recognize GH anymore. I cannot get invested in any storyline because they dont have continuity.

    And about Ron on twitter, I know that he must get frustrated by the comments, but he is supposed to be a professional. If he cannot handle the heat, he needs to log off or just not comment and be above it. WE are his customers, he works for US the viewers and he is down right rude. I am in the medical field, and believe me patients can be very rude and crude to me sometimes but i would loose my job if I acted on my job the way Ron has acted out on twitter.

  37. I believe much of the show has become an embarrassment -- stories are delayed weeks as if Ron doesn't know how to juggle the 3 story arcs of daytime... the demonization of AJ was just a continuation of what Guza did to this complex "Sidney Carton" character. Ron focuses more on his own creation newbies (can we say "character royalties?") that few viewers care about. Sabrina has made the wonderful Patrick almost unbearable to watch... the pairing of Olivia and Sonny destroyed everything Olivia stood for... AJ not being exonerated was outrageous... Last year's Nurses' Ball was a travesty - it looked like 5 people attended a party in a gym... And Richard Simmons - OMG that's was cringe-worthy. I do like Nik/Britt but do not want a Liz/Nik redux. I'm praying Ric is the man he was when he first married Alexis - his tracy to her Hepburn... WTF was Ron thinking inventing a tedious caricature like Levi... The Luke story is repulsive and has turned savvy Tracy into a dolt.. Carly w/ Franco - stupid. The great RH coming back as Franco was probably the single dumbest creative decision Ron made since there's no coming back from it. RH couldn't have been a mysterious Cassadine or Q? Anyway - like you, I'm thrilled GH is still on the air, but Ron's enormous ego has gotten the best of him and he's running amok.

    1. Great comment. Yes, the stories are not just plot driven, they're predicated upon shoving new characters to whom we have not been properly introduced, down the viewers' throats. Why should be care about Sean's ex, and TJ's mother, when we don't know or care about them? The stunt casting is insane and making Dr. O the chief of staff was a horrific idea. Yes, I know Ron thought that was a real knee slapper but he was the only one laughing. Dr. O's appearances should be minimal as a little bit of Dr. O goes a long way. If you have any doubt that this writer's assertion that Ron's ego is out of control, just look at the huge portrait of Ron which hangs in Ava's art gallery. This writers and commentators such as Ilona are spot on, and if anything their opinions are delivered with restraint.

  38. I actually think the ratings could be much much higher The ratings have managed to sustain themselves due to the theory of default. Fans of OLTL and AMC had nowhere to go so they migrated to GH. I know many of these fans and I can assert with confidence, that they are not happy.

  39. I would have loved to see A.J rip Sonny and Carly a new one for how bad they treated him. I refuse to believe the show can get any worse then when Bob was still the HW. I like Day's but it is sometimes boring too

  40. It is very hard to invest in a show when one set of characters are on for weeks at a time, and then they vanish. Those may be the characters I enjoy seeing. Then, another group of characters are on for weeks, that I don't have any interest in. At times, it is like watching 3 different soaps. A faulty budget I can't accept as an excuse as to why this happens.

    1. Budget is not an excuse... As I mentioned above, Ron does not seem to know how to juggle the traditional soap 3 storyline arcs - h one starting up, another in the midst and that last winding down - in a weekly rotation.

  41. Michael, I saw the whole Exchange-- I was dumbfounded. ESPECIALLY since your site does so much PR for the show and is such a champion for it.
