Tuesday, December 18, 2012

GOSSIP GIRL Finale Gives CW Best Monday In Over A Year

Last night's two-hour series finale of GOSSIP GIRL gave The CW its best Monday night in the Adults 18-34 demo (1.0/3) since 9/26/11, its best A18-49 (0.7/2) since 12/5/11 and its best W18-34 (1.5/4) since 11/28/11.

It was The CW's most watched Monday night(1.41M) since 1/30/12.

At 9 p.m., the second part of the series finale delivered GOSSIP GIRL's most watched (1.51M) episode and best A18-49 rating (0.8/2) since 4/25/11.

It was the series highest W18-34 (1.8/5) since 2/7/11, and best A18-34 (1.1/3) since 9/26/11.


1 comment:

  1. I’m glad to hear that Gossip Girl’s series finale did so well. From what I’ve heard, it’s a great episode. I haven’t had time to watch it (or the last few episodes) yet because I’ve been working extra hours at DISH, but they’re saved on my DVR. I have the DISH Hopper, which can store 2000 hours of movies and shows, so I’ve been able to save Gossip Girl’s entire season along with all my other shows. That will make it easy for me to go back and catch up on the show and see the finale whenever I have time.
