Wednesday, August 1, 2012

50 Greatest Soap Couples: #20 Alan & Monica From GENERAL HOSPITAL

COUPLE: Alan Quartermaine & Monica Bard Webber
RANK: 20
Alan: Stuart Damon
Monica: Leslie Charleson
YEARS: 1977-2008

Alan came to Port Charles to determine if his foundation would support building a new cardiac wing at General Hospital.  Monica was smitten with the wealthy doctor and the two of them began a romance.  Monica had a complicated history with Dr. Rick Webber, Alan was incredibly jealous and things became even more complicated in a hurry.  Despite questions about their relationship, Alan and Monica were married.  Eventually Monica had an affair with Rick which tore the couple apart.  AJ was born and eventually it was revealed he was Alan's son and not Rick's.  Alan refused to divorce Monica, afraid of losing his son.  So they stayed together, and bickered, and life at the Quartermaine mansion would never be the same.

Over the next two decades, life was always full of turmoil for the Quartermaines, usually stemming from their affairs with other people (Susan Moore, Sean Donely, Ned Ashton, Lucy Coe, etc.) or family drama (Tracy was always happy to interfere).   They were on-again and off-again multiple times, but Monica was devastated in 2007 when Alan died of a massive heart attack after a hostage crisis at the Metro Court.

The bickering of Alan and Monica was legendary and their complicated lives contributed to the rise of GENERAL HOSPITAL in the ratings.  Their best stories were a perfect blend of comedy and drama and fans loved it.

Damon won an Emmy for his work, along with six more nominations, while Charleson received four nominations of her own.  Together they had 12 Soap Opera Digest Award nominations including two wins for Damon.

From Patrick Erwin (A THOUSAND OTHER WORLDS): A great “War Of The Roses” style romance. Their passion for each other was always interrupted by the drive they both had for success and their temptations (affairs and addictions). It was also a perfect match for a time where we were learning that Ozzie and Harriet wasn’t the norm. After all, you had the beautiful blonde and Prince Charming – but once they were behind closed doors, the claws and the knives came out.

Alan, Monica, Rick and the foundation (1977)
Alan and Monica argue about Jason (1983)
Alan and Monica's 1997 anniversary
Alan and Monica discuss the night Rick died (2007)

Share your thoughts on Alan and Monica in our Comments section below or on our message board.

- 50 Greatest Soap Opera Actors: The Complete List
- 50 Greatest Soap Opera Actresses: The Complete List
- THE COMPLETE LIST: 25 Biggest Blunders In Daytime Soap Opera History


  1. Why did they have to kill off Alan?

  2. zyxw: Nobody knows….it's a great mystery. The only sense it may have made was financial.

  3. I loved the Alan/Monica clip they showed on "50 Years of Soaps" ( , at 6:22) -- hilarious!!

  4. My FAVORITE couple on daytime television PERIOD. No other has EVER compared to them. General Hospital is truly missing something without them. They need to figure out how to rescue Alan from Helena's captivity...(I refuse to believe he is dead)...and bring him back to Monica.

    SO GLAD somebody else remembers that BEFORE LUKE AND LAURA...GH's ratings went up and it was because of Alan and Monica (and Rick and Lesley).

  5. Loved Alan and Monica when they were first on, and throughout the years!
