In the Adults 18-49 demo, DALLAS had a 0.7 rating, down from last week's 0.9.
The Jill Farren Phelps-Josh Griffith Nick at Nite soap, HOLLYWOOD HEIGHTS, had 714,000 viewers and a 0.1 A19-49 demo (not their target demographic). The show continues to have solid numbers in online viewing as well.
- SHAKE-UP: Sony Names Jill Farren Phelps Executive Producer & Josh Griffith Head Writer Of THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS; Wishes Maria Bell Well
- YEAR OF THE SOAP: Kevin Mulcahy Jr. Reviews Two-Hour DALLAS Premiere and Critiques the Critic
- TNT to Launch Post-Episode Webshows for DALLAS and FALLING SKIES
maybe they should do Hollywood Heights once a week on a certain day or put it on a network that it should go to like ABC Family they show things like the secret life of american teenager honestly I feel that Hollywood Heights would get more views on that channel rather than TeenNick and Nickelodeon Hollywood Heights is not really for that network ABC Family would do a great job....That is only if you decided to do a season two which I hope happens :-/