Thursday, December 15, 2011


Thanks to everyone who participated in our AS THE WORLD TURNS Classics DVD trivia contest. We have randomly drawn five names from all the winning entries sent in to us. Our winners are (last names left off):

Alvin B.
Jamilla G.
Chris S.
Michael B.
Carole O.

We have emailed all the winners who can expect to receive the DVD in the mail very soon!

Thanks to everyone who participated. Look for another contest any day now.

Below are the correct answers:

1. Which head writer's story in 1979 did Eileen Fulton say was "spooky" and took a page out of her own real life drama? Douglas Marland

2. Which GREY'S ANATOMY star played Hannah on AS THE WORLD TURNS, who performed Jack and Carly's Montana wedding ceremony? Sara Ramirez

3. Which AS THE WORLD TURNS actress made up the infamous 1987 hot tub scene on the spot the day of shooting? Elizabeth Hubbard

4. Which AS THE WORLD TURNS actress felt the line "Hello Lisa" was the beginning of a major transformation for her character towards the dark side in 1985?
Colleen Zenk

5. Which legendary AS THE WORLD TURNS actor also wrote for the soap for a while working with ATWT creator Irna Phillips? Don Hastings


  1. Congrats to you all and happy holidays!

  2. Thank you guys! It's a lovely Xmas present for me!!!!

  3. Thanks so much for this. It was a great surprise to receive and will be a cherished item in my home to remember our beloved ATWT.

    Michael B.
