Soap opera stars took to Twitter today in reaction to the confirmation that ABC has licensed ALL MY CHILDREN to Prospect Park. Read a sample of soap tweets below:
@krisalderson (Kristen Alderson):
Super happy for the fans of #amc & #oltl today. =) I'm interested to see how they plan on having this work. Ps.18,000 followers!YAY thank u!
@edenriegel (Eden Riegel):
Best. News. Ever? Right up there anyway. Long live #AMC #OLTL!
@L_Hartley (Lindsay Hartley):
It's for real!!!
@knowjr (J.R. Martinez):
For those who haven't already heard-All My Children & One Life to Live will continue on in an online format.I think it's safe 2 say-FANS WIN I will say this-my current contract was to terminate on August 31st. Now we must see who they want to keep & renegotiate with. Not sure...
@robinstrasser (Robin Strasser):
JUST found out about licensing deals #AMC/#OLTL! Big SHIFT is a GIFT. Just know ALL THE FANS GOT THIS TO HAPPEN! Take a bow! YOU did it! WOW Listen to Mama: even IF this is a BONE being tossed, it's better than the "toss 'em out with the garbage" diss/tone of the big cancellation.
@lennyplatt (Lenny Platt):
OLTL lives cyberspace. The times, they are a changin'...
- ABC Confirms AMC/OLTL Licensed to Prospect Park
- Wall Street Journal: Deal Gives Prospect Park Exclusive Rights For More Than A Decade
Now I have to get a laptop.