Saturday, April 24, 2010

12 Days of EMPIRE: Fabio Taliercio Interview

Fabio Taliercio will be playing Alex Russo on the upcoming season of indie soap EMPIRE. As part of the We Love Soaps "12 Days of EMPIRE" countdown leading up to the April 27 Season Two premiere, today's feature is an interview with the actor conducted at the first read-through of the script earlier this year.

On EMPIRE, Alex has been Cane Haven's boyfriend for the past few years. In the time they've been together, Alex and Cane have both launched their own businesses, Cane's detective agency and Alex's bar. Recently, Alex's bar hasn't been doing so well, which has caused friction between Alex and Cane. Alex has also been drinking more than usual and Cane has been nagging more than usual. Despite this, the two genuinely love one another and are determined to make their relationship a happy and lasting one.

We Love Soaps: Tell me about Alex.  He was only alluded to in Season One.
Fabio Taliercio: Alex and Cane (Ryan Clardy) have been in a relationship for about two years now.  In the second season we learn a lot more about their relationship.  It’s a very loving relationship, although there are problems.  Alex is a bit of an alcoholic.  There is definitely a struggle around Alex being self-sufficient and being able to take care of himself.  They are both very goal oriented.  Alex is very enthusiastic about this bar that he has opened, and he refuses to accept Cane's help.  But the love is still there, they are a great couple.  I think it’s great that they chose these two guys two have this kind of relationship.  They do come full circle. 

We Love Soaps: How do you see Alex's history with drug and alcohol problems?
Fabio Taliercio: I see him as having a bit of a history, maybe some family trouble, not growing up as privileged as Cane.  There might be some resentment about that.  I definitely see him as a New York City guy.

We Love Soaps: Has he had to scrap and scrape his way through the city?
Fabio Taliercio: I think it took him awhile to realize what he wanted. He found himself in the nightlife industry. He was always passionate about starting something on his own.  That is why his bar is so important to him. 

We Love Soaps: Aside from EMPIRE, tell us about your other acting jobs.
Fabio Taliercio: I recently did some dinner theater in The Village.  I worked in "Tony & Tina’s Wedding." I played Tony and several of the other characters.  I have worked on AS THE WORLD TURNS as an under-five.  I worked on a recent production of "Take Me Out."

We Love Soaps: That play involved a lot of nudity.  Are you comfortable with that on stage?
Fabio Taliercio: I personally have no problem with that.  As long as it's tasteful and artful and for the right reasons.  Nudity in a theater environment I believe is not as invasive as the film medium.  In the film medium the audience is so close, but in a theater the audience is somewhat removed.  It’s not as nerve wracking. 

EDITOR’S NOTE:  You can get tickets for Fabio’s new show "My Big Gay Italian Wedding" here.

Damon L. Jacobs is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist seeing individuals and couples in New York City at Mental Health Counseling & Marriage And Family Therapy Of New York.   He is also the author of "Absolutely Should-less: The Secret to Living the Stress-Free Life You Deserve".

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