Monday, October 12, 2009

RESULTS: Daytime Soap of the Week Poll

Here are the results from the We Love Soaps "Soap of the Week" poll for the week of October 5-9, 2009. With the return of Crystal Chappell and E.J. blasting Nicole for claiming "Mia's" baby as her own, DAYS OF OUR LIVES skyrocketed to the top spot this week.

Here is break down of the U.S. votes state-by-state.


  1. I thought that OLTL was so good this past week, that I ended up watching Thursday & Friday's episodes 2 extra times over the weekend!

  2. No surprise there Roger, although they better take Carly off that darn plane soon and give the woman a real chance to act, the way we know only Crystal can :-)

  3. I am glad I am not the only who notices that Y&R is god awful these days. Its like the writers are in a writing slump. Wow I am actually missing LML writing these days.

    I am not into the Carly return where DOOL is concern.

  4. Is it terrible that I keep coming here to vote for Guiding Light as my soap of the week?!

  5. Go Crystal go, when the heck was the last time Days was Number One; a hundred years ago Crystal Chappell is killing it Blow it up Blow it up! Your fans love you girl!!!

  6. I watch All My Children and I have since it started,but i miss GUIDING LIGHT a lot. Just wish there there was some way for it to come back on but I guess that is impossible.. Can't figure out what CBS was thinking.
