A few days after The Nelson Ratings finally bought Chris Engen’s uneven portrayal of Adam Newman, the newcomer shocked the entire Y&R cast by quitting his role in the middle of his contract two days ago! According to sources, Engen bolted because, “he [allegedly] refused to kiss [his same-sex] co-star Yani Gellman [Rafe].
Read the updated column here.
Well, I'll be sorry to see him go (I think he does a good job as Adam), but I would rather him go than play a role that he's no longer happy with.
ReplyDeleteThe most disappointing thing for me is that it looks like Rafe and Adam are hooking up! I really, really wanted Rafe and Phillip IV to get together :-(
Well, if he really did refuse to kiss his c-star, he's not very professional. It's called ACTING, dude. And, really, the planned story line would have made Adam so much more of an interesting character. We need an interesting boy/boy love story on day time. We have Otalia on GL...but the soaps have failed miserably with the guys. And gay men are some of the most loyal soap fans out there. Don't they deserve to be represented in the medium they so widely support?
ReplyDeleteGood for Chris-- the writers have absolutely destroyed his character-no use in sticking around for the burial -I am happy to know that he has convictions and that he honors them- I will miss him-but am so glad to see him giving them back their lousy scripts...he is too good for Y&R!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck Chris
I can't determine if Chris Engen's reaction is due to his own homophobia or his continued disapproval of Adam's "darker" evolution. Whatever the case I'm ecstatic that Y&R will continue with their plans to play out Rafe's gay storyline and possibly recast the role of Adam. I agree with Snapper: It really is called acting. Chris should have bit the bullet on this one. No doubt, he would've been part of history but instead he let fear and outrage shut that door.
ReplyDeleteIf the report of his refusing to kiss a male co-star is accurate, (and It's definitely "if" - I don't know him, and none of us knows for sure what happened)it speaks volumes. I mean, he agreed to play a guy who'd set up his own birth father as a murder suspect...but he can't play queer? That's so sad that it actually becomes funny, if you think about long enough.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes - kudos to Y&R for sticking with the idea of a male/,ale pairing. I just hope it's a healthy, adult pairing. We need more positive portrayals of same-sex relationships. Years ago, daytime television paved the way, in terms of getting middle America to talk about issues such as inter-racial marriage, reproductive choice, etc. It's high time Genoa City reflect the real world. My real world includes mature people in healthy same-sex relationships.
SOME people are very strong and hold true to their convictions- they will not sell them out for fame or fortune - not for anything-- when it's all said and done, it's that face that greets you in the mirror every morning whose respect means the most to you-- sure,actors compromise their convictions every day- but there are those who don't and gosh I respect them-there are so few people left in the world who will NOT compromise their beliefs....-Good for Chris.............
ReplyDeleteI found your column recently, I am glad I did ;)
ReplyDeleteI am waiting to see how this whole thing plays out.
Ole what's his name that plays Adam is leaving?
The rumor that he is leaving cause he wouldn't kiss another man goes right along with how I have felt about him from the start.
Get a job and a girl Chris and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
Pathetic Homophobe!
first has Chris confirmed this? Second what heterosexual man would not want to run as far away from a script like that? Come on! SO what if he is an actor everyone has there boundary. Whats next porno? "Well he is an actor aint he?" I hope he gets a lot of support. I am proud of him for being a man and standing for what he feels is right. CHris don't be bought or sold. Your name and who you are is not for sell! This too shall pass....much love
ReplyDeleteI don't blame Chris for walking out. The writers and PTB shouldn't unexpectedly throw those kinds of changes at someone who was hired to have a GF such as Heather. There is too much throwing in the gay thread just to make a statement instead of having the relationships play out naturally.
ReplyDeleteIf Chris leaves because of a gay story line I say GOOD FOR HIM for taking a stand against gay lifestyle.....If Y&R does this storyline they will not only lose Chris, they will lose me, a viewer that has loved this soap for many years.....
ReplyDeleteI really liked Chris Engen in Y&R..although in the beginning his character Adam was very sweet and without evilness...then they changed his character so drastically...too drastically!! So if Chris is leaving because of the "dark direction" his role was going in..then I don't blame him..I would leave too if I was not happy with it..and why oh why would they all of a sudden have Adam be intimate with a gay guy when he is OBVIOUSLY STRAIGHT! Chris you totally have my support in your decisions for leaving. I will miss you..I look forward to seeing you in future projects. Best Wishes always, Lynn F. E.
ReplyDeleteYou people truly don't get it! Adam is a straight character -- he is only pretending with Rafe because Rafe was going to search Adam's room, & would've found the syringes & botox, & the dress, & perhaps other incriminating evidence of his many con jobs. He's just PRETENDING with Rafe so he wouldn't be exposed for his schemes. So get over it if you think this is a real storyline! Now with Phillip, you WILL get a real storyline... So take heart, but this thing with Adam & Rafe is just another con job of Adam's in order to keep his other con jobs a secret, it's all an act to prevent Rafe from having discovered it all when he was going to search the room!!
ReplyDeleteChris Engen has depth. He stands out from the run-of-the-mill cookie cutter soap stud. He has a natural look which I love. When was the last time we saw a real man with real unshaven chest hair come out of Hollywood? (I'll miss that the most) He's got a face with real character, and a laugh that kills. He has principles that, in his mind, forced him to break his contract. (He knew he wasn't gonna have to actually kiss the guy, so it wasn't that.) He's willing to take it like a man and suffer the consequences of doing so. I understand and hope it pays off for him in the end. I miss him a lot. I hope he reappears on an another show ASAP. Any show that signs him will be lucky to have him.
ReplyDeleteChris i highly value your decision of living the show because you were unhappy with the evil character adam was turning into in the series. To me you left the show with your head held high.Adam appeared as a great guy at first a maybe overly-ambitious guy but certainly not a evil man. The people who wrote your part really got the evolution of your character wrong. Despite the excessive ambitious aspect of adam's character and the other shortcomings he could possibly have he should have a kind heart like that of his mother, That is a key element for his character and it's really disgusting that the writers did not one second had a respect for that. You're a man of principles chris, you made the right decision you can be proud of that. Nicole