Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Latest in Soap Videos

Here are some of the latest soap videos to hit the web.

OTALIA: Olivia threw an engagment party for Natalia and Frank on Wednesday's episode of GUIDING LIGHT. Watch Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

ALL MY CHILDREN: Zach realized Ian wasn't breathing on Wednesday's show.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Dorian wasn't thrilled to hear that Ray was going out with Tea on Wednesday and went out of her way to interrupt their date.

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Robin told Dr. Brown on Wednesday she wasn't sure if she wanted to be a mother.

- CBS 2 New York covers the GL cancellation story.
- Nelson Aspen mentions the GL story on New Zealand's TV 3.


  1. RAY has *such* chemistry with DORIAN, TÉA & MARTY, its a DAMN SHAME that they would axe him when there's so much potential!

  2. the confession is coming ya'll! even with the unfortunate news yesterday that GL will no longer be airing on CBS come september, i am still unbelievably stoked to see where the Otalia storyline is going.

    the necklace scene yesterday made my heart skip a couple of beats. if GL isn't careful i might need a "reboot". and what in the world is tipsy olivia going to say to natalia? i can't wait to find out!
