And if that man isn't George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, or Robert Downey Jr. according to New York Magazine — all of whom have taken, and failed, Lip Lawns 101 — then odds are it also will not be you. "Because unless you are THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS' Victor Newman, whose mouth topiary nicely underlines his attempts to destroy/disinherit/wish death upon people in that dramatic German accent, you will probably end up looking like a cheesy porn star or a low-budget pimp."
LYNDA HIRSCH: Resolution Time for Soaps
"It's resolution time. Here are some of mine: I resolve to lose 10 pounds, to keep my deadlines and to be kind and patient. To keep my domicile as pristine as the Chandler mansion. To help my beloved soaps see a rise in their ratings. To that end I have some resolution suggestions for them."
There might be no love lost between HOLLYOAKS' Calvin Valentine and Warren Fox, but actor Ricky Whittle has revealed that he and co-star Jamie Lomas get on like a house on fire when the cameras stop rolling.
"He's probably my best mate on the show," said Ricky, who plays copper Calvin. "We're like naughty schoolboys when we get on set - always giggling, pulling pranks and winding each other up."
Soaps blamed for violent society
Television soaps are to blame for the rising violence in society, a senator has warned. Fianna Fail Senator Lisa McDonald (Ireland) claimed that the high level of crime in TV dramas has contributed to the instances of violence around the country.
"The seemingly glamorous but unreal life depicted in these programmes does not mean that the public are unaffected by what they see," said Senator McDonald who is also a family law solicitor.
Over Christmas many of the soaps will have sensational storylines, including murder and assault. Senator McDonald contends that these aggressive plots are creating more violence in society.
"I’m encouraged by the fact that almost everyone, across the board [at GUIDING LIGHT], recognized that story was a weak link for the show during this transition. The show had an impossible mountain to climb - change the production model AND tinker with the tone, length and timing of stories to fit the model. Throw in the writer’s strike, and it’s easy to see how the narrative of the show hit a big pothole."
MARK HARDING: The Template for Saving Daytime, Part 2
"In the world of commercial TV, the only way a show can survive is to attract enough (of the right kind of) eyeballs to make it appealing to advertisers to pay the freight. With ever shrinking numbers of viewers, the traditional broadcast advertiser-supported model is getting trickier and tricker to uphold."
I remember back in the 1980's Victor was drilling Nikki. Nikki was hot.