Monday, December 10, 2007

If you thought the writer’s strike provoked nasty comments before, the gloves have really come off now that the talks have broken down, A letter from a top Writers Guild official out Monday implies that the Hollywood producers organization, AMPTP, never planned to negotiate in good faith and that the real management agenda is to destroy the union.

The talks have crumbled, with no renewal of negotiations in sight. On Monday, WGA East President Michael Winship wrote his members a letter that began with this comment about the AMPTP: “They lie…And then they lie again. And then they lie some more.”

“On Tuesday, December 11, we’ll be picketing ABC Daytime, from 9:15 am to 2 pm, outside the studios of “The View” and “All My Children,” at 320 West 66th Street, just west of West End Avenue. We march in support of our striking writers at both shows. The four hosts of “The View” have been notably unsupportive of their striking writers and we intend to let them hear our dissatisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. "good faith" huh?

    Trigger words. I smell a legal battle coming up, through the NLRB. If they prove that they didn't go into bargaining with good faith, that's a violation of the labor laws.
