Monday, November 26, 2007

Writer's Strike Update

WGA East: The Daytime Committee of the WGAE and WGAW has written a letter to the Daytime Writers.

Inspired by the showrunners' "Pencils Down" ad, members of the Daytime Committee East and West have composed a similar statement of solidarity to appear in Variety on behalf of Daytime.

Given recent misleading statements that have appeared in the press, it seems more important than ever to show that we stand unequivocally with our brothers and sisters in other areas of the writing community. Now and for however long it takes to achieve a fair deal.

You should have received an email with the ad copy. We invite you to add your name to the list of signatures below.

Deadline Hollywood: Dare We Hope A Deal Has Been Struck...? A "very reliable source" tells Nikki Finke that there appears to be a deal seemingly in place between both sides.

LA Weekly: At least the writer's chants are getting more creative: “Treat us fairly, Mr. Zucker, We’re not your two-bit hooker.”

New York Times: When the 12,000 members of the Writers Guild of America decided on Nov. 4 to strike, Hollywood wondered how hard the white-collar group would fight. The guild addressed the worry before the first pickets hit the streets. Striking movie and television writers were joined last week at a Hollywood rally by supporters from other trade unions in the Los Angeles area. “In years past, our picketing schedule has gone, ‘Picket on Mondays for two hours and then meet at a bar until the following Monday,’” said David Young, the union’s director, early this month. “That’s not how we’re going to do it this time.”

Media Week: Media buyers, in light of the Writers Guild of America strike, say they might be a month away from asking the broadcast networks to renegotiate their upfront packages or give them cash back. “The situation may not become a major problem until after the February sweeps, but we have to start thinking about how we are going to deal with things for the remainder of the season now,” said one major media buyer, who did not want to speak for attribution. “In the next three weeks, if there is no settlement in the writers’ strike, and prime-time ratings continue to fall, we will start looking for serious adjustments and even for cash back. That’s going to be awkward and hard for the networks to deal with.”

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