Wednesday, November 21, 2007

News Brief

Los Angeles Daily News: The writer's strike was on the mind of hunky actor Antonio Sabato Jr. ("The Bold and the Beautiful") when we gabbed Sunday night at the 15th annual Diversity Awards at Universal Studios. "I finished doing a movie in March and since then, I've been involved in other stuff. I have two restaurants in L.A. that I'm opening in March. With strikes going on and people being in charge of our life at this point, I don't want anybody running my life. I gotta do something else. Actors get really antsy." He's not optimistic about a quick resolution to the strike: "I don't think it's gonna be that soon. I think it's gonna take a little bit of time. ... People don't seem to be getting at the table and talking about it so I'm just moving on for the moment and then we'll see what happens next year."

Broadway World: Dozens of Broadway, TV (including the New York soaps) and film stars tended the bar at the annual "Celebrity Bartending Night" at Frank's (410 West 16th Street, between 9 the and 10th Avenues) on Monday November 19 from 7PM-11PM. All bartenders' tips go to Stockings With Care and be used to buy holiday gifts for children whose families either live in homeless shelters or are in jeopardy of becoming homeless and cannot afford to celebrate their holiday.

Digital Spy: Jane Beale's gay brother cast in "EastEnders".

The Sandspur: As the line began to form outside the Disney MGM studios the night before the actual event, fans grew more and more excited as the hours went by to see their favorite soap opera stars and all the new things Disney as setting up for fans for the twelfth annual
Super Soap Weekend. The weekend was just as busy as the previous years and fi lled with just as much enthusiasm.

The Sandspur: Fans from all over the United States gather together annually to attend ABC's Super Soap Weekend at the Disney MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida. Though the event has changed over the years, fans still come to meet their favorite soap stars and mingle with other soap lovers. Michelle Holden checks her watch. It is 2:15 in the morning, and she can see her breathe on the air. She is sitting uncomfortably on a towel, shielding her body from the concrete below, and talking to strangers around her. All she wants is for 8:00 to roll
around. "The first year was awesome because you could meet as many stars as you wanted," says Holden. "Now, because of fast passes, some people even sleep here, spend the whole day at the park, and then do it all over again the next morning. They're up there right now, sleeping on their air mattresses."

AfterElton: Liveblogging As the World Turns: "O Captain! My Captain!" Edition.

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