Wednesday, November 14, 2007

FLASHBACK: Soaps Pre-empted by AFTRA Strike in 1967

No Soap With Them's Fine

By Carolyn Lewis
The Washington Post
April 6, 1967

That romance between soap opera and the house-wife is fade-fade-fading away as a result of the AFTRA strike that ended live television serials over a week ago.

The initial shock, disappointment and anger that followed replacement of beloved dramatic serials by repeats of CANDID CAMERA and FATHER KNOWS BEST is now giving way to - in some cases, a change of affection - and in others, just plain relief.

Some Washington area housewives interviewed yesterday who admitted they were "hung up" on the soap operas, warbled with the relief of an alcoholic who has dried out and likes it.

Others declared they were turning off their television sets for the first time in years, and getting a lot more housework done because of it.

Still others were switching to Channel 5's PANORAMA, a three hour marathon of interviews, news and miscellany, and liking it a lot better than soap operas.

"Once you break the habit, you feel free again," said a Mount Pleasant mother of four, with some surprise.

For some the "freedom" is an unwelcome visitor. Shirley Pitt man and Josie Holloway, two districk housewives, screwed up their faces in agony and begged, "Oh please, bring them back."

Mrs. Pittman explained: "I've lost three pounds from working so hard during the time when I'm usually watching, and it's killing me."

Mrs. Holloway said the worst part of it all was "stopping the stories right in the middle of the juicy parts."

It seems a couple of characters in GENERAL HOSPITAL and AS THE WORLD TURNS were on the verge of death when AFTRA struck.

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