Thursday, September 27, 2007

ATWT Finally Casts New Bonnie


Earlier this month, an audition with "As the World Turns" earned Chauntee Schuler call-back meetings and the role of Bonnie McKenchnie.

"It's an existing role, a lawyer who years earlier killed someone and had gone to prison," said Schuler, her tone light at the plot possibilities of soap operas.

Schuler started work Tuesday, and quickly came to respect the hard-working crews and casts of daytime soaps, which produce five hours of action weekly.

"On a weekly show, you might get 60 or 70 pages of script and a week to learn it," she said. "Here, we get 70 to 90 pages a day."

Starting at 7 a.m., she said actors quickly go through makeup and then begin shooting scenes done in rapid-fire succession.

"There aren't many redos," she said. "You need to be ready."

She said the "As the World Turns" cast and crew has been incredibly supportive, the producers kindly letting her ease into the role and shooting schedule.

"I can't give it away, but I think some interesting things will be happening for this character, now trying to help people in the community," she said.

Schuler said she expects her first scenes to end up on the show next week, and for her time on screen to slowly increase as her character becomes part of the action.

"Some people look down on soap operas, but they have a great tradition on television, dating back to pioneering live shows in its early years," she said. "These stories following families through time are a tradition dating back to Shakespeare."

She won't deny there's often a lighter, unpredictable side to soap story lines.

"Let's just say that you're not always bound by what's possible in the real world," she said. "You can fall in love with your brother if that works for the story."

Schuler said that she's thrilled at the exposure and experience she'll get on "As the World Turns" and for the chance to get to work with veteran actors like Eileen Fulton, in the cast since the '50s.

Schuler said it's unclear how long her part will last, but she figures to call CBS home for a while.

Above is Chauntee Schuler and her husband and fellow University of Richmond Alum, Joshua Walker, as contestants on the “Today” show’s series “Today Throws a Wedding."

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