Monday, April 23, 2007

Former Eastenders star fancies topless shoot

Michelle Ryan has revealed she would love to pose topless.

The former 'EastEnders' star is very proud of her curvaceous body and would quite happily flaunt her assets if she knew it wouldn't impact on her career.

She told Britain's Soaplife magazine: "I love my curves and wouldn't want to lose them. "I'd have done some topless shoots if I wasn't famous."

The 'I Want Candy' actress - who is about to break the US after winning the lead role in a remake of hit 70s TV show 'The Bionic Woman', also revealed she refuses to use tongues when doing on-screen kisses.

Michelle - who is now single after splitting from fiancé Tommy Williams - added: "It's different to real kissing. If you use tongues you're showing them you fancy them!"

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