Friday, December 18, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: Soap Opera 'Joy' With Diane Ladd and Virginia Madsen

Diane Ladd and Virginia Madsen
As you may know by now, the acclaimed new, Golden Globe nominated film Joy not only has an all-star cast led by Jennifer Lawrence and Robert DeNiro, but prominently features real-life Daytime stars (Maurice Bernard, Susan Lucci, Donna Mills, Laura Wright) in a fictional TV soap opera as part of the storyline. I interviewed the cast for my Australian morning program Sunrise and was happy to find out how devoted some of them were to the real-life soap genre.

Award winning stars Diane Ladd (who once played Kitty Styles on classic soap opera The Secret Storm) and Virginia Madsen play JLaw's grandmother and mother, respectively. And when I brought up the subject of soaps, I was surprised and delighted by their enthusiastic fandom. Here is your exclusive look at this conversation between two great ladies of the silver screen...and their connection to the small one!

See Joy in lives up to the hype and is high on my Top Ten List of Best Films for 2015.

- Watch Clips of 'The Joyful Storm' Soap Opera from the Movie 'Joy' (Video)


  1. I love this, Nelson! They both spoke lovingly about soaps, and your ability to work Mary Stuart into any conversation never ceases to amaze me. :)

  2. Very cool. Thanks for getting this on camera!

  3. Mr. Aspen your enthusiasm is infectious!
