Aaron Diaz, who is best known for appearing in the lead role in the recent hit telenovela TERESA, will guest star as Miguel, a dashing, charming and wealthy entrepreneur on the upcoming episode, "Unscheduled Departure," of ABC's new Sunday night soap, PAN AM, airing Sunday, November 13 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET).
The multi-talented Diaz has been the lead in four very successful primetime novelas, as well as being a singer-composer.
In 2009 he released his first solo big band album, as well as launched his clothing line, Perra, becoming both a designer and businessman.
In 2011 he played the coveted lead role of the doctor in the soap opera TERESA, a remake of the telenovela which launched Salma Hayek's career. It broke ratings records throughout Mexico, the U.S. (Univision) - often in the top 50 -- and in several Latin American countries.
He also released a 2011 calendar which sold-out.
His second album was the self-titled "Aaron Diaz," and his film, Todo Un Hombre, is soon to be released.
cant wait! aaron is so sexy!