Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Michael Fairman on "The Frank DeCaro Show"

In case you missed Michael Fairman on "The Frank DeCaro Show" today on SiriusOUTQ radio, you can listen to his segment below where he talks about Otalia, Nuke and Rianca and other happenings in the world of soaps. And be sure to look out for his upcoming interviews with Paolo Seganti and Tamara Braun.


  1. all hail michael fairman for this stellar interview! more. otalia. we want it!

    thanks for the link roger. you continue to bring joy, joy, joy to my life!

  2. Thanks Roger for access to this audio clip!! I love hearing Mr. Fariman's enthusiasm regarding all things Otalia!

  3. It was great to hear that interview, Roger. Thanks for posting it.

  4. I think, first and foremost, the reason why Otalia is happening is that the show wisely decided to capitalize on the *obvious*, undeniable chemistry between the actresses. Once you see that, its much more plausible to accept that "two straight women falling in love with each other" hurdle that seems to trip up some people...

    Thanks for the clip! And thanks Michael for spreading the positives of Otalia!

  5. thanks to Micheal,Roger. love Otalia!

  6. Thanks for posting this interview! It's helping me get through an Otalia-free day like today.
