Showing posts with label Trust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trust. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

NEWS: "Cord-Nevers" Killing Cable TV? B&B Casting New Role; Eva Longoria Adapting Telenovela; Alison Sweeney Cover

Slate: Cable TV Is Dying, and Colleges Are Killing It
It isn't just cord-cutters who are the problem for the pay-TV industry, Bloomberg's Ian King points out. It's "cord-nevers"—young people who have never paid for cable or satellite TV and have no intention of doing so in the future.

Even today, most Americans grow up with cable in their homes, their parents footing the bill. Those who go straight into the workforce and get their own apartment might continue to view cable as a high priority, if they can afford it. But a still-growing number of Americans head to four-year colleges and live in dorms where very reliable, high-speed Internet is now routinely provided but cable TV is not. As a result, they come to view fast Internet as a necessity and cable TV as a luxury, subsisting instead on scraps from YouTube, Hulu, and perhaps a little piracy—in short, the media-diet equivalent of ramen and leftover pizza. By the time they leave college, some may be starving for cable TV, but a lot have weaned themselves off of it for good.

B&B is looking for someone with strong credits to play the recurring role of Tom, a leading man who is 40-50 years old and is described as a mischievous ladies' man and a bit of a troublemaker. "Any ethnicity. Accents ok."