Showing posts with label Top 13 Child Actors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top 13 Child Actors. Show all posts

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Top 13 Child Actors on Daytime Soap Operas

Daytime dramas have featured great child actors over the years including Emmy winners Kimberly McCullough, Martha Byrne, Camryn Grimes, Brian Bloom, Justin Gocke and Andy Kavovit, and many more. The current crop of young actors on soap operas is holding their own, with General Hospital leading the way with its Cameron-Emma-Spencer love triangle. Check out our list of the Top 13 child actors currently working in Daytime below.

The best of the best:

1. Brooklyn Rae Silzer (Emma Drake, General Hospital)

Silzer can play happy and sad, emotional scenes equally well. Heck, she even pulled off Dyna Girl last Halloween. She reminds us a lot of Emma's mother, Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough), at the same age. Working with pros like Jason Thompson and Finola Hughes will only make her better.