Showing posts with label Leonie Norton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leonie Norton. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

FLASHBACK: 'Another World' The Story of Steven, Rachel & Alice (Part 11)

After being rejected by Brian Blake, Rachel Davis
Matthews (Robin Strasser) met Ted Clark (played
by Stephen Bolster).
ANOTHER WORLD: The Story of Steven, Rachel & Alice

The Soap Box
Vol. IV No. 6 June 1979
by Bryna Laub

(continued from Part 10)

Russ's hurt was healed as well. He had fallen in love with one of his patients, Cindy Clark, a warm, sweet, loving girl who was everything Rachel was not. And out of his love for Cindy came true forgiveness in Russ's heart. He wrote to Alice that he no longer blamed Steven. In fact, he no longer blamed Rachel as he should have seen her for what she was and not been blinded by her deceptions and her wiles. Marry Steven if you really love him, he advised his sister, and don't let anything stand in the way of your happiness.

Rachel, meanwhile, had bitten the bullet over her alimony defeat and consoled herself with Brian. Assuming his passionate lovemaking meant undying love, she happily accompanied him to New York, then returned to plan their move to the big city. When Brian had to go back east for another meeting, Rachel interpreted his telephoned "wish you were here" as an invitation, and arrived at his hotel room to find him with another woman. Shocked, she screamed bitter recriminations at his betrayal--after all they were almost married, weren't they? Not at all, he coldly informed her, it was fun while it lasted, but it's over.