Showing posts with label Hombre Tenias Que Ser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hombre Tenias Que Ser. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2014

TELENOVELA WATCH: Four New Shows Premiere This Week

Four telenovelas make their US premieres this week, two of them – LA VIUDA NEGRA and CAMELIA, LA TEXANA - are world premieres. Both LA VIUDA NEGRA and CAMELIA, LA TEXANA are examples of that often disreputable genre that follows the lives of drug traffickers dubbed narco-novelas.

Indeed, 2014 looks to be overbrimming with narco-novelas with a second series of EL SEÑOR DE LOS CIELOS coming later this year to Telemundo, a third series of EL CAPO planned for March on MundoFox, all coming on the heels of the recently concluded reruns of LA REINA DEL SUR and ESCOBAR: EL PATRÓN DEL MAL on Telemundo and the currently airing ALIAS EL MEXICANO on MundoFox.

There have been two prevailing approaches to the material in the recent string of narco-novelas. The first takes a true crime angle, presenting the story of a real person, often fictionalized and with many names changed, but an attempt to tell the story with at the very least, a docu-drama style of realism. The best of these and by estimation, the only masterpiece of the narco-novela genre as a whole, the only one to demonstrate the moral seriousness the material demands while also telling its story in an engrossing manner, is ESCOBAR: EL PATRÓN DEL MAL.