BBC America has greenlit new original thriller series, INTRUDERS, produced by BBC Worldwide Productions. Glen Morgan (THE X-FILES, THOSE WHO KILL), writer and executive producer, has penned the script based on Michael Marshall Smith's novel The Intruders. Executive produced by Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner for BBC Worldwide Productions, the series is about a secret society devoted to chasing immortality by seeking refuge in the bodies of others. INTRUDERS (8x60) is set to begin production in early spring 2014 and will be distributed internationally by BBC Worldwide.
Perry Simon, General Manager, BBC America said: "INTRUDERS features an imaginative premise that fits perfectly with BBC America's signature block of complex and otherworldly dramas led by Doctor Who and Orphan Black. Glen Morgan has delivered a brilliant script, and we're thrilled to be working with Glen, Jane Tranter, Julie Gardner and our colleagues at BBC Worldwide Productions on this provocative new series."
Glen Morgan, writer and executive producer, added: "I am excited to be working with Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner who have been so groundbreaking in this genre across both sides of the Atlantic, and I am delighted BBC America has greenlit INTRUDERS to series."
Coming off its highest-rated quarter ever, BBC America's order of INTRUDERS is part of the channel's continuing commitment to drama including hit original series Orphan Black, critically acclaimed series BROADCHURCH, Burton and Taylor, RIPPER STREET, LUTHER, IN THE FLESH and upcoming series FLEMING: THE MAN WHO WOULD BE BOND, ATLANTIS, THE MUSKETEERS and JONATHAN STRANGE & MR. NORRELL.
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