ABC's hit primetime soap opera, REVENGE, introduced Emily Thorne (portrayed by Emily VanCamp) and her complex mission. The show's storyline has hinted at Emily's covert training on remote Rebun Island with master Takeda. Now, from a member of the show's team, comes "Schooled in Revenge" (Hyperion Trade Paperback and eBook | August 20, 2013 | $14.99), the first full-length original novel that immerses readers into that training, as a new vengeance-thirsty heroine seeks out Takeda's guidance to learn how to right terrible wrongs.
Meet Ava Winters, young, beautiful and the heiress to Napa's prized Starling Vineyards. Ava is also in love with the perfect guy -- at least that's what she thinks until he helps take away everything that was once hers. With no place to turn, Ava goes to Rebun Island, where she trains to be mentally and physically strong enough to take revenge. On the island, Ava meets Emily Thorne, who has recently returned; Emily shares her wisdom with Ava about the importance of seeking justice in a world where enemies thrive.
>!-- more -->Four others are on the island for training. They all soon discover that their missions are intertwined. All roads lead back to Starling Vineyards, and the ideal time to strike is the annual gala. But to get there on time, they must leave before their training is complete. Are they ready? Will they succeed? Will they even survive?
"REVENGE: The Complete Second Season" on DVD, with an exclusive "Schooled in Revenge" trailer featuring the novel's cast of characters, is on sale August 20. Season 3 of REVENGE premieres Sunday, September 29 at 9 p.m., ET on ABC.
"Schooled in Revenge"
A fast-paced tale loaded with background secrets that fans of REVENGE won't want to miss. The novel is on sale simultaneously with the DVD release of "Revenge: The Complete Second Season," which includes an exclusive 2-minute live action trailer for the novel. Author Jesse Lasky has been a key member of the show's writing team since the show's beginning; his enthusiasm for the program's detailed back story provided the inspiration for this "spin-off" adventure tale.
About the Author
Jesse Lasky grew up on Long Island before going to college in upstate New York. After graduation he moved to Manhattan to work on various television and film projects. He currently lives in Los Angeles and works on the writing staff of ABC's "Revenge."
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