John J. York plays the Number One fill-in dad in Port Charles, "Uncle Mac Scorpio." I had the pleasure to catch up with the actor on the red carpet of the "General Hospital: Celebrating 50 Years and Looking Forward" event at the Los Angeles Paley Center on April 12. We talked about about what it's like being back front and center on GH and a few of his favorite storylines.
Congratulations on being a part of history.
JOHN J. YORK: Thank you. 22 years for me. 22 years out of 50 is pretty good.
With so many years on the show, what's been your favorite storyline?
JOHN J. YORK: I would say there would be three favorite storylines for Mac Scorpio. First would be the Robin/Stone HIV story especially when she told her Uncle Mac, that she was HIV positive. Before that was the Maxie/BJ heart transplant storyline because it was heart wrenching. And third would be...hmmm...what's the most recent?
The puppet?
JOHN J. YORK: [Laughs] Yes. Mr. Mables, lets finish with Mr. Mables.
How fun is it having Kristina Wagner ("Felicia Jones") back?
JOHN J. YORK: It's great having Kristina back. She was away for a long time, and she's been very busy. She hasn't aged, and is more beautiful now.
It's almost like a reunion having Kristina, Lynn Herring ("Lucy Coe"), and Jon Lindstrom ("Kevin Collins") all back.
JOHN J. YORK: That's the treasure about daytime. The characters can go away for whatever reason and they can always come home because the fans are the homeowners. The fans love when their family comes back. My daughter is going to graduate from college. The little bird is going to fly away for awhile but hopefully that bird will find its way back home. Ron [Carlivati] is a great writer and Frank [Valentini] is our executive producer. They are finding incredibly simple ways to bring people back that's explainable, real, believable, and everyone seems to love it.
Walker Ragsdale is a freelance blogger with a passion for everything pop culture. For feedback or questions, you can email Walker Ragsdale at [email protected].
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