Saturday, October 13, 2012

HALLOWEEN IDEA: Lyndhurst After Dark

The Lyndhurst estate in Tarrytown, New York (Collinwood in the 1970s Dark Shadows movies) is hosting some special events this month. "Lyndhurst After Dark" is a series of nighttime tours with a DARK SHADOWS theme, raising vital funds for the upkeep of the house.

Dare to enter the dark shadows of the Lyndhurst mansion as grey day turns into black night… Spooky as a mansion standing alone in a large property may be at any time after dark, Lyndhurst bears additional psychic residue as the site of the first two Dark Shadows movies, wherein vampires, succubae and assorted ghosts held sway.

Besides Barnabas Collins and his relatives, Lyndhurst was the home of three additional families over a period 120 years—including that of Robber Baron Jay Gould. So who knows what modern visitors may discover in the flickering shadows and evocative sounds of Lyndhurst After Dark?

Live music will be provided by Kirk Ehrenreich, playing the Gould’s Steinway as well as an electric organ. Moody is the mood that prevails.
In addition to special exhibits and atmospheric live music, actors Sharon Smyth (Sarah Collins) and Jim Fyfe (Willie Loomis in NBC's 1991 version of the show) will be appearing as guests on October 20 and October 27 respectively. For more information, visit

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