Thursday, February 2, 2012

THE REVOLUTION Paying $30 To Be In The Audience

It is not easy to get into most talk shows in New York City but there is now one talk/lifestyle show that will pay you to show up, THE REVOLUTION. The show that replaced ONE LIFE TO LIVE in the ABC lineup premiered to pitiful ratings and it seems like securing audience members is proving as difficult as finding viewers.

- Daytime TV Ratings: Week Of January 23-27, 2012 - THE REVOLUTION Drops


  1. That is pathetic. Bring back One Life to Live!

  2. I'm just this a common practice for newer shows, or any live shows for that matter?

  3. I've been to several live shows, (Regis, the View, Millionaire, etc) have never heard of getting paid to be there.

  4. HaHaHaHa!! How ridiculous!! We want our OLTL (and AMC)!!

  5. what about a plane ticket, hotel accommodations, money for food, and sight seeing...I will try to be back for the show..LOL LOL LOL

  6. How about this you can make money by putting the soaps back on..To Funny, you are trying to pay someone to make your dream come true? Let's take off soaps nobody likes them anyway. Right..Now who's having problems?

  7. This is a sad representation of the show that has replaced long running and heavily followed scripted daytime series because they said it was "less expensive" is having to pay for people to watch in studio and the ratings are showing the viewers are not watching it on the network... I believe the mistake is clearly shown here and is the reason they should bring back AMC and OLTL.

  8. What does "upscale" mean? That is very demeaning! Shame on you!

  9. I now turn the TV OFF between the hours of 12:00 pm to 2:00 PM PST because I don't want to watch a bunch of people eating and talking, nor do I care about seeing The Revolution. Bring back our soaps!

  10. It looks like ABC needs to bring back the day time dramas -- I hope the mistakes ABC made is hitting them in the pocket book : ) OH wait it is LOL

  11. OMG...Is this what ABC thinks is cheaper to produce? I bet they wouldn't have to pay OLTL fans to watch a taping or for that matter I would sweep floors at OLTL for free to see a show being taped...WHAT A BUNCH OF DUMB FOOLS ABC has running there daytime programming! ABC you should wise up b4 it is to late to repair the damage.

  12. It is not normally standard practice to have to pay audience members to sit there, but when a show is struggling (as the REVOLT-lution is) they resort to such tactics! They need to just admit that they screwed up, and give us back our soaps!!

    Sidenote: I DO on occasion notice the same people in the audience day after day on Judge Judy, and People's Court--- IJS..

  13. Funnily enough, I was thinking about taking in a taping of the De-evolution during my upcoming trip to NYC next week -- to be an obnoxious audience member and shout "BRING BACK ONE LIFE TO LIVE!" until they tossed me out. Only that's not really my style. Instead, I'm taking in Robin Strasser's awesomeness at the play LOVE, LIES, AND WHAT I WORE, reviewing the play for my blog, and interviewing the inimitable Dorian Lord to accompany. I'm with all of you -- I have shut off the tube to avoid seeing those precious, putrid preachers from 1 - 3 P. Viva La Boulette!

  14. Gregory, that's wonderful!! Please tell her that we all love, and MISS her, and the rest of the cast like crazy!! I'm sure her play is amazing!!! Break-a-leg Robin!

  15. Gregory, we'll be at the Wednesday "Love, Loss" so if you happen to be there that day maybe our paths will cross. :)

  16. Hysterical! Love it! They can't even get an audience. We don't want a revolution or change we were happy with OLTL.

  17. This is what they have to stoop to now, paying for audience members? The shows that I would like to see I would actually pay to see. abc is getting what they deserve...I feel bad for the cast and crew of these new shows because it wasn't their fault. This is all the fault of the powers that be at abc. The shareholders should demand that heads roll for this debacle. Wake up abc!!! Give us back our soaps!!!

  18. wow sad there are no words bring back our soaps!!!

  19. By paying the audience by the way, they are forcing them to agree with whatever message the pathetic hosts might say. Sadly with the idoicy of ABC and network television in general, this piece of crap is making money. Sad,sad,sad.

  20. How ow can they go before they give us back what we want??? OUR SOAPS AMC and OLTL!!! That is too funny. I wonder if they are paying the Spew audience??? I wouldn't put it past them either. I watched the Spew once, and it is awful. A bunch of loud mouth nobody cooks who couldn't make it on the food channel!!!!

  21. Roger -- I'll be at Weds. show, too! Yes, let's plan on meeting and speaking. I've covered the ABC soaps extensively for a bunch of publications over the years. I worked as a writer on STAR TREK: VOYAGER and the lovely Kate Mulgrew -- formerly of RYAN'S HOPE -- wrote a wonderful blurb for my new book.

  22. Sounds good. Too bad you won't be in town for our Indie Soap Awards. There will be some ABC soap stars there that night (actually even nominated!).

  23. Roger, phooey -- maybe the next time around? I never need an excuse to visit NYC -- feel free to check out mein leeetle blog at -- I've got several posts on my work with the stars of the ABC soaps. If I can ever help promote the work you're doing here on this excellent site, let me know.

  24. How low can you go ABCD? Face the facts! We don't want to watch your dribble. Cancel the show already!

  25. EXACTLY Kristen!! The funny thing is, most studio audience spaces are not that big, so to have to PAY even to fill those little 1-200 person studios?? PATHETIC!!! PLUS, who in the world do they think will sit there, for 4 four hours, and 30 bucks?? That is a DIME above minimum wage (where I live)!! You have GOT to be kidding!

  26. This is the definition of poetic justice...get your head out of the sand ABC and fix this mess. It's easy, repeat after me: "The Eew and Revulsion are cancelled; AMC & OLTL will resume production immediately." See, easy fix. Can't wait to see what happens when sponsors find out the show has to PAY people to be in the audience. Karma, baby, karma

  27. What a sad commentary that you have to pay people, and ONLY "upscale." So your show is only for wealthy people. Got it. Shame on ABC for not using any creativity in saving the soaps that have affected our lives since our youth. Lifestyle/help shows are a dime a dozen. I can find one on almost any channel. I will not watch The Revolting-ooshion or any ABC Daytime show that only reminds me of souring leftovers.

    Give us back our soaps, ABC.

  28. ABC you really can redeem yourself. Bring back AMC & OLTL. No shame in making your viewers happy! We will be faithful AND bring your ratings back! We had a local newsman let go of his job and move far away, but due to so many upset faithful viewers, they brought him back! You too can do it ABC! Bring back AMC & OLTL Please!

  29. Good GOD. What line of BS are they TELLING the shareholders & stockholders at this point to keep these social nightmares on the air? I really do want to know!!!!

    This reminds me of the upheaval and mismanagement at ABC just prior to Aaron Spelling giving us Dynasty and all the OTHER hit shows of that time. As I remember it, the executives jobs at the time were about as cursed as Defense Against The Dark Arts, due to HORRIBLE decisions made and the network's public image being in the toilet THEN, like it is again now. Complete upper management bloodbath happened, and Aaron's golden touch was the ace in the hole for the freshly-promoted new execs.

    It truly bothers me that the higher-ups at Disney, obviously repeating history with the ABC network, currently seem completely oblivious to what should be happening as we speak: MASSIVE firings and investigations into their conduct. I'm no tax or financial advisor, but the numbers don't add up, the ratings are a sucking chest wound bleeding all over creation, and I have serious questions about who's being paid off to keep this scam going. Because that's what this whole mess smells like to me. One big corporate shell game, and if this is SAVING money while bribing audiences in with money... HOW is any of this a success if the ad revenues are in danger due to the ratings?

    No. Something is seriously wrong, and I'm stunned beyond belief that nobody's called in the authorities to question if the company is ethically, financially, OR legally sound. Because just from here, I can smell a very ROTTEN STINK. And nothing being looked into about it? THAT is truly criminal.

    "The one sure way for evil to flourish, is for good men to do nothing."

  30. OMG, Extras that's Desperate They should just do a giveaway like Kelly and the View. Audience members are hard to find, I once had an audience of 30 extras and paid nothing!

  31. I had to put in for tickets online to see one of Regis Philbin's last Live with Regis and Kelly shows back in March 2011 to secure 2 seats in September and I had friends and coworkers that wanted to pay me $500 a piece for my 2 tickets one for me and one for my girlfriend) and I said no. They are trying to bribe people to see this piece of crap because nobody wants to see it and they think that the locals might do it in this down economy. This show is produced by JD Roth, the same guy that produces NBC's The Biggest Loser. JD hosted one of my favorite kids game shows growing up, Finders Keepers. JD should go back to what he does best, kids shows and The Biggest Loser. #soaprevolution

  32. HAHAHAHAHA!! They call it "WORK" to be in their audience!!! Bring back AMC and OLTL! (Thanks for the laugh, though!)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. The only other time I've heard of paying an audience was back when Richard Dawson was hosting Family Feud. It was the last couple of seasons before it was cancelled and he had a rock solid contract. They needed butts in the seats but, I think all they really got was lunch and swag not actual money.

    My heart does the happy dance because of the crash and burn but it also cries because OLTL is gone.

  35. Does this mean the only "fans" The Revolution will have will be the desperate unemployed looking for a quick buck? How pathetic is that?

  36. Way to get that 'upscale' audience, abc ! after they dumped thousands of fans who watched for free!

  37. WHAT in the heavens is ABC doing? Why would YOU need to pay people to be in the to sit in the audiance ($30.00 doesn't go far). Cost that just in gas if you live a few miles away. You only want people from the streets I guess to be on the show. Sounds greedy to try to keep a show running!!

    It's the same thing everyday I heard. I have only watched it a few times and I'm not impressed at all. Who needs to see someone loss weight and get dressed. Can do that at a Weight Watchers meeting or on other channels. Like all those infomercials at night. There are too many of these kind of shows on the aire. Same thing with the Chew. Don't need to watch someone cook the same things they cook on the FoodNetwork or Bravo. Leave the cooking shows for FoodNetwork. AND BRING BACK our EXTREME MAKEOVER HOME EDITION. I love Ty so please give him something that shows his talent and love for the community. We need something on the aire that actually has meaning, love, and community. Our 10 year old son doesn't understand why ABC would even take such a show off the aire. He was very sad and had tons of questions and still does. Mont Vernon, NH needed EMHE to come!!

  38. I've got one thing to say to ABC/Disney - BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You replaced established, heavily-followed shows with CRAP you can't even pay people to watch. There were so many ways they could have saved money and kept our shows. I hope The Revolution (and The Chew) crash and burn.

  39. Just an FYI for people who are supporting the soaps.... Don't watch The Spew OR The REVOLT-lution, EVEN ONCE, "just to see what it was about", because then you are slapping AMC & OLTL in the face!! PLEASE stay loyal to our soaps!!!

  40. Please don't tune into our soaps' replacements, not even for Ty. It gives them ratings.

    Serves you right, you jerks. We want our soaps, not this SPEW crap, or the REVOLTING or whatever it's called.

    OLTL, AMC, we want you!

  41. I Can't believe they're paying people to sit in the audience. $30.00 isn't enough... that show is bad. Please bring back our wonderful and beloved soap operas. It's the right thing to do... so just do it already.

  42. Not to be a "Negative Ned" much as i hate thier replacements,how,exactly,is ABC supposed to bring back both AMC & OLTL when they no longer own the shows?(Prospect Park still does)

    Plus,there's getting the casts back when most have already relocated to LA or have become involved in other projects.

    They'd be better off doing new soaps rather than going through the complicated process of trying to rebooot AMC & OLTL.

    How would you all bring back these shows,if you could?

  43. Wow. I wonder if the Disney shareholders know about this? It reveals, again, what a big mistake ABC made. I would pay $30 just to see one new fresh episode of OLTL.

  44. I thought about that too Richjr...
    It may be too late for AMC, and since PP seems no longer interested in either show, I would try to buy them back, at least bring back all of the characters that are NOT already involved in other projects, and start with them. Then, when/IF the other cast members become available, weave them into the beautiful fabric that was once OLTL, and complete the quilt!!

  45. PP does NOT own the soaps, ABC still does, PP only was leasing them.

    The shows aren't returning, the Chew is disgustingly doing well, but the Revolution is an embarassing flop. The affiliates have to be screaming for ABC's head on a platter.

    Oh and watching these shows does NOT give them ratings unless you're a Nielsen viewer

  46. Even the audience members aren't willingly coming to watch, they have had to resort to paying them $30 just to sit there.
