Monday, December 19, 2011

REAL SOAP: NYU Professor Claims He Was Fired For Giving GH's Franco Bad Grade

According to today's Gothamist, New York University professor Jose Angel Santana is claiming he was fired from the academic institution after giving GENERAL HOSPITAL's James Franco a "D" in his "Directing The Actor" class.  Previous to this incident, there had been some complaints by NYU teachers of Franco getting special treatment, and turning the degree into "something you can buy."  Read here for the full article, as well as a video of Franco discussing Santana, how he missed "12 out of 14 classes," as well as his response to this picture of him sleeping.

What do you think?  Does Franco deserve preferential treatment for missing class while doing Academy Award nominated films?  Or is he expected to put in his time and effort like everyone else?  Give us your opinion in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. He should not get preferential treatment. At my University, no matter the grade, if you miss 4 classes you fail. It looks like he only attended 2 and slept through 1 of them.
