Frons told the cast and crew of AMC personally before the announcement went out to the press some 15 minutes later. (The cast and crew of the New York-based OLTL was video linked at the same time). Frons said it was important to immediately reveal how the soaps will be replaced because “otherwise we will appear like we have no plan. It’s important for our affiliates. If we make the decision to take off two shows we value, then they need to know how we will replace them.”
- NEWS Round-up: Cancellation Fallout - Hundreds of Jobs Lost, Reactions
- Brian Frons: I "pre-entered the witness protection program"
- Brian Frons on Soaps: 'The Strongest Will Survive'
- Michael B. Jordan on Daytime Soaps: Hey, old guys, it's over for you
I find that hard to believe considering I heard that some of the stars found out before Frons told them.
ReplyDeleteI truly hope that Brian Frons can VERY SOON discover the joys of unemployment he inflicted on hundreds of people today.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe a word that comes out of this man mouth.
ReplyDeleteI hope that he finds a new home in the smelly hudson river along side anyother people that the mob has taken out over the years...better yet burie in with jimmy hofa..
ReplyDeleteBrian Frons, the most hater man in America. The cancelation of One Life to live is the work of an idiot.
ReplyDeleteSharon said...Why fix something that was not broken? The cancelled soaps have been successful for 40 plus years for a reason. Take it back.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about money. ABC is rolling in the dough, yet for some reason it's not enough. I don't think they actually understand that it's not just our loss (of our beloved soaps), it's soon to be their loss as well. Soaps are pert near the only thing I watch on ABC.
ReplyDeleteThis is also the guy that bragged that he got to cancel Search For Tommorow twice (At CBS and then NBC). Bragged! The man is a dog.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a joke when I saw it on Facebook; unfortunately it’s true. I will permanently ban ABC if they cancel these shows especially for two more stupid reality/talk shows (none of which have ever held my interest on any network to be honest). I have been watching both of these soaps for 37 years and I know I’m just one of many long time dedicated viewers (can you say that about any other show on any network)? Why would you take shows that have been watched for decades by hundreds of thousands of viewers and throw them out like garbage? Brian Frons has no idea what the viewers want. All of the networks are overkill on reality shows; who exactly did they poll because I certainly never saw anything? And do you really think young stay at home Mom’s care about cooking shows and yet another talk show and if they do they can watch the many other ones already flooding the networks. This is stupidity personified. Quit trying to be cutting edge and just give the viewers what they want to watch and not what you think we want to watch.
ReplyDeleteBrian Frons has to be the most hated man in America. Soaps have loyal longtime viewers who are not going to tune into more reality programming when there's already a glut. This is a stupid move that will cost ABC bigtime!
ReplyDeleteMr. Frons has no idea how many jobs and families he has destroyed. The fan base will NOT watch silly shopping, cooking whatever nosense he is presenting. I am sure Mr. Frons is in his NYC apartment or the Hamptons and could care less......mj