With the recent revelation of the characters on REALITY BYTES, fans have been wondering if creator Tristan Rogers will play the role of Trevor Rains (The Rainmaker - hired to save the show that made him famous from cancellation). The show has now confirmed that Rogers will indeed play Rains (notice both have the same initials).
As with Martha Byrne's GOTHAM and Crystal Chappell's VENICE, Rogers is smart to capitalize on his popularity, knowledge of the genre and being able to get in on the ground floor of the future of soaps. These actors are also creating projects that allow them to play characters they want to play. If there's a role you want to perform and no one is writing it for you, create it yourself!
Suzanne Niedland has also been announced as part of the cast. She will play Karen Walton (The Head Writer - The glue that holds them all together. Karens hides a lot of surprises behind her calm, matronly demeanor).
Awesome news. I'll be glad to see Tristan in front of the camera (as well as behind). He's really a great actor.