Here are some of the latest soap videos to hit the web.
20 YEARS TO THINK ABOUT IT: Phillip III filled Chance in on his past with Nina on Wednesday's THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.
HEART ATTACK: Kim collapsed while telling Alison off on Wednesday's AS THE WORLD TURNS.
ZENDALL: A Zach and Kendall musical montage closed Wednesday's ALL MY CHILDREN.
NOT THE MOST LOVABLE WOMEN ON THE PLANET: Olivia and Doris shared ice cream and commiserated over their lives on Wednesday's GUIDING LIGHT.
- THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS was honored at the Paley Center earlier this year. Watch Part 2.
SOW says a confession of Natalia happened with Josh and then they went and cut it. What a huge character confession to miss. AND she goes and gets to cheek kiss Doris but not Nat yet.... oh CBS!!!!!!! and GL!!!!!