Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who Says Ratings Are Down? Record for SOAPnet Again

The second quarter of 2009 (which just ended) ranks as SOAPnet's most-watched quarter ever in Total Viewers and Women 18-49 driven by record deliveries for ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE. Here's a breakdown of the results:

SOAPnet (2Q 2009)

In 2Q09, powered by record deliveries for ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE, SOAPnet registered its largest quarterly audience on record in Total Viewers (369,000) and Women 18-49 (143,000).

Compared to 2Q08, SOAPnet climbed by an impressive 18% in Total Viewers (369,000 vs. 312,000) and by 30% in Women 18-49 (143,000 vs. 110,000).

ALL MY CHILDREN (M-F, 8:00-9:00 p.m.)

Delivering its fourth consecutive quarter of growth, 2Q09 qualified as ALL MY CHILDREN's most-watched quarter ever on SOAPnet in Total Viewers (483,000) and Women 18-49 (191,000).

Versus year-ago levels, ALL MY CHILDREN outperformed by 45% in both Total Viewers (483,000 vs. 332,000) and by 72% in Women 18-49 (191,000 vs. 111,000).

ONE LIFE TO LIVE (M-F, 9:00-10:00 p.m.)

ONE LIFE TO LIVE delivered its largest quarterly audience on SOAPnet ever in Total Viewers (469,000) and Women 18-49 (183,000).

Year-to-Year, ONE LIFE TO LIVE jumped by 27% in Total Viewers (469,000 vs. 369,000) and by 45% in Women 18-49 (183,000 vs. 126,000).

Source: Nielsen Media Research (National Ratings, 2Q09: 3/30/09-6/28/09, Most Current; Year-Ago, 2Q08: 03/31/08-6/29/08, L + 7.

- SOAPnet Has Most Watched Quarter Ever


  1. This is really good news. You think the ratings gurus aren't capturing the cable viewers and the DVR watchers? Wishing I understood more about the existing ratings system.

  2. While AMC and OLTL are doing great numbers for Soapnet, where are GH numbers for Soapnet, I would think they would have mention their flagship soap opera, then again when people go to watch their favorite soap it is not GH they turn to watch.

  3. I just added a link to the Q1 announcement which also mentioned AMC and OLTL (plus Y&R) but didn't mention GH. GH must not be doing as well or not "growing" its audience on SOAPnet.

  4. Just proves what I have been saying that GH & Luza are driving .away with their 1 track writing about sonny & the mob & hisfamily. We are sick of the violence & pure nastiness of this man & his associates. Bring back General Hospital, drop the mob. Good for OLTL they just keep getting better. AMC getting there.

  5. It seems meaningful that DOOL, Y&R and GH are not mentioned in the Q2 results.

    I'd be eager to know those numbers...but way apparently to get them.
